ASMR: Getting me into the right mood to do things

It’s no secret that working from home has been a very distracting experience for me. I spent two years working remotely, and even though it wasn’t bad, I felt it stifled me. I was fine doing daily routine work tasks, but it seemed I could not do anything that required deep thinking or creativity.

Things got slightly better this year once I started getting into the office twice a week. It’s a good balance giving me the long-wished-for work-life balance I haven’t had throughout my entire career.

That said – concentration is still a problem. On my days working from home, I struggle with completing tasks and having designated work and non-work scheduled time.

Then recently, I saw my daughter using YouTube videos to help her focus on her studies, and I tried it. Guys, this has been a life-changer!

These are called ASMR (Autonomous sensory meridian response) rooms. Have you heard of them? They are like a window into a calming scene that serves as a visually appealing backdrop to whatever you’re doing. I love them more for the soothing white noise types of sounds – the hum of conversations in a cafe, the rustle of new leaves outside a window, or bird calls in a lush meadow.

I have found ASMR rooms to be such a relaxing thing to have while working and even reading! The perfect background noise/cozy ambiance helps me focus on the task at hand.

Today I’ve rounded up some of my favorite relaxing ASMR rooms that I use regularly. But there are plenty more available on YouTube. There are also great ASMR playlists on Spotify as well. I use these even more than the videos.

The best part about ASMR is you can choose what you are in the mood for!

Some favorite YouTube ASMR videos

Considering I am a bookworm, my favorite ASMR videos feature bookish themes – a library, study, or a café. Here are some videos that are on rotation these days:

  • Cozy library on a stormy night with a crackling fire featuring rolls of thunder and the patter of raindrops
  • Quieter library with a flicker of flames, the rustling of pages, and the scribbling of a quill
  • Modern café scene with some gentle piano and rain falling on huge windows
  • A more bookish café with a low hum of conversation
  • A tower room surrounded by scrolls, plants, and witchy-looking bottles while the fire pops and it thunders outside.
  • Deck of a cabin in the woods with the rustle of leaves and some quiet nature sounds
  • Forest scene on a rainy afternoon with the steady rain and the wind moving through the trees
  • A seasonal ASMR recommendation. Try this haunted mansion scene. Or perhaps a haunted, misty forest? I find the noises a little too distracting, but they may be right for you.

Some favorite Spotify playlists

Rain sounds – super relaxing
This one really does work for studying and also for filling up those dreaded excel spreadsheets.
I have tried using ASMR for sleep as well. Unfortunately, it only works if you live in a really quiet place. Also, I realize that whispers or human-generated sounds don’t quite work for me (at least not for sleeping). Nature is my jam.

So, just sharing this new to me discovery with you guys 😀. Have you used these kinds of videos/audio? Do you have some recommendations for me? Let me know in the comments.

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  1. I’ve always had time to work and work. But never time to relax and just enjoy some non-work time. These are amazing and will save them.

  2. says: Maureen

    I have not heard of ASMR before but I can see how it can be helpful. And I do agree that working from home is tough. Sometimes I get very distracted and it’s just not productive. I need to try and see if ASMR would be right for me!

    Maureen |

  3. says: Nyxinked

    Very interesting. I’ve never considered ASMR to be in the same league as calming music, but it makes sense!

    1. says: Nish

      Some music is calming. But the ASMR sounds are very low-key, and it really puts me into a zone, where I am relaxed yet very productive.

  4. says: Stephanie

    These are awesome! I love having calming music when I’m in the classroom as it helps me and the students. I have a Disney piano music playlist that I saved, but I’ll have to try a few of these out for something different.

    1. says: Nish

      This is really nice to put headphones on and just either zone out and relax or zone into your work – whichever you want.