Snubnose is all grown up

It’s just been the blink of an eye, and Snubnose is all finished with school and is ready to dive into college. She’s gotten admission into almost everything she applied for (except sadly for the one college of her dreams). It was a worthy attempt, but it was a long shot anyway, considering the number of candidates (nearly 8000) and the number of available seats (approx 400).

Still, she now gets to pick and choose her college, which she’s been struggling with – making up her mind. She’s got admission in a local college here, which is good. She will still need to stay in a hostel but could visit on weekends. However, she’s also applied to a few colleges outside Bangalore, which are a little bigger names, and we are still waiting to hear back from them.

In the meantime, she’s been enjoying her summer holidays – having farewell parties from school and an informal prom with her friends. We don’t have a prom culture in India, but they wanted to do something, so the whole school year pooled in funds, and they did it themselves – a master class in organization.

Here are some pics I shared on Instagram that I am reposting here.

Her formal graduation was a lovely affair. It’s been extremely hot here in Bangalore for the past couple of months. But the weather turned pleasant just for those couple of hours when the kids walked up to the stage to receive their graduation certificate and goodie bag.

This was a formal setting with a very strict principal and teachers, so the kids couldn’t really let their hair down and party like they wanted to. They saved that for the informal graduation.

Her best friend came over, and they spent over three hours dressing up, blow-drying their hair, make-up, accessories, everything – just enjoying being two young girls.

Can’t wait to see where the next few months and years will take her! On the one hand, we all feel dreadfully sad at the thought of her leaving the home (especially Piglet, who will miss her so much), but at the same time, I am excited to see her grow into herself.

Hopefully, I will be able to let go, if and when the time comes.

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  1. says: The Bride

    Congrats to Snubhouse on this milestone! It is amazing … and a little scary… to see all these blog kids grow up seemingly so quickly.