Why you should get your mattress cleaned professionally

Have you ever considered what happens when you spend up to a third of your day on your mattress? While you may be able to swap out sheets and wash your bedding, chances are that the mattress itself requires specialized attention. Your sleep setup is an important component of getting a restful night’s sleep!

That’s why having your mattress professionally cleaned at least twice per year is important.

A Cleaner Mattress Means Better Sleep

When you look at that cosy, comfortable mattress, you’re looking at a giant dust mite hotel. It’s probably got a few other stains too. Dust mites and other allergens can be found in your bedding and mattress. As you spend more time in your bed over a day, they multiply to the point where they become an annoyance or worse, get into your respiratory system where they trigger allergies. This alone should encourage you to use a mattress cleaning service annually.

A Cleaner Mattress Means Fewer Allergies

Maybe you’re not bothered by the idea of dust mites and allergens in your mattress. Maybe you’ve developed a level of immunity to them that means they haven’t bothered you in the past. If that’s the case, consider this: a clean mattress can keep your allergies at bay. Talk to someone who’s had their mattress cleaned for a few years about when their allergy season started and about how it progressed.

Consider how much time you spend on your mattress

Now, this doesn’t only apply to those who have dust mites and other allergens living in their mattresses. The average person spends almost 8 hours in bed every day. That’s a lot of time that your body is in contact with your mattress. Wouldn’t you prefer to know your mattress is clean?

Cleaning Your Mattress Keeps You and Your Family Healthy

There’s a pretty clear connection between clean bedding and human health. If you’re concerned about allergens, consider that dust mites are just one example among many when it comes to allergens living on your sheets and within other elements of your bedding.

A Cleaner Mattress Preserves Its Lifespan

No one wants to spend thousands on a mattress that’s only going to last a few years. That’s why your mattress must get cleaned at least twice each year. It preserves the outer layer, which means you won’t have to worry about sleep quality as you might if you were using it every day and couldn’t easily clean it.

A Cleaner Mattress Keeps your room fresh

Your mattress cover will trap odours. There are things you can do on your own to help lessen or eliminate odours but having your mattress professionally cleaned is a great way to deal with the issue. It’s something you can’t really do on your own and it helps keep the bedroom smelling fresh and clean.

There are a lot of advantages to getting your mattress cleaned at least twice per year but the most important ones are probably those that encourage you to think about how often you spend time on your mattress. If you haven’t considered it before, it’s a good idea to start right now.

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