Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week you compile a list of ten books that coincide with that week’s theme. You can find everything you need to know about joining in here!

Top ten tuesday

This week’s theme is all about the books on our spring TBR!

I am pretty stoked with the list of books I have on my reading list. In fact, I may have gone a bit overboard as I know I will definitely not be able to finish all the books on my list. But the point is I am excited to embark on them, and that’s what counts, right?

Top ten books I plan to read this spring
Top ten books I plan to read this spring
  1. The Vanishing Stair by Maureen Johnson – I just finished the first book in the Truly Devious trilogy, and I have to say it’s been a long time since I have been so enchanted by a YA book. I plan to continue the series by finishing the second book – The Vanishing Stair.
  2. The Hand on the wall by Maureen Johnson – I’d also like to wrap up this trilogy by finishing this third book as well!
  3. The Lincoln Highway by Amor Towles – His earlier book A Gentleman in Moscow didn’t quite work for me, it was a DNF, but there are rave reviews on the internet for this latest book of his, and I am hoping I like this one better.
  4. Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy – This is a bit of an ambitious addition. I most likely will not even start this book let alone complete it. But I do want to read at least one classic a year. I first attempted to read Tess when I was a college student, and gave it up about 50 pages in. I hope I will have more patience with it this time around.
  5. Mythos by Stephen Fry – This is the second book series on my TBR list. I picked up this book on impulse from the library and then read about it. I am sure I will love it, and this book about Greek myths will add a little diversity to my reading and improve my knowledge of ancient Greek mythology.
  6. Heroes by Stephen Fry – This book tells the stories of famous Greek heroes such as Jason and the Argonauts (and others of whom I have only a dim awareness).
  7. Troy by Stephen Fry – This is of course, the famous story of the siege of Troy. It’s a classic story, and I am looking forward to it. There’s also a fourth book in this series, but let’s pause for now. This might be as much of Greek mythology that I can take at one go.
  8. Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia – That cover! That promise of Gothic mystery! Of course it’s on my TBR list. The mystery is why is it still there? This kind of book is something I lap up immediately as soon as it’s out.
  9. Hamnet by Maggie O’Farrell – I know why this is still on my TBR list for over a year now. It’s supposed to be sad, and I think I have a hard limit on the number of sad books I will read a year (possibly just one). Last year, my sad book quota was met by Shuggie Bain. This year, it will probably be Hamnet.
  10. The seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid – Just the title and cover is so intriguing. I should get to this book sooner than later.

What books are you looking to read? Which books on my TBR would you recommend I read first, any you would suggest I drop?

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    1. says: Nish

      Yay! Glad to hear that. I was a bit apprehensive about committing to a series of his books without even reading the first one.

  1. The Truly Devious books are loads of fun. I read Hamnet last year, it’s not my usual type of book but it’s good and I thought there were a lot of parallels between it and what a lot of people have been through with Covid.