Art Show

A few years back, Snubnose participated in the artist (who is also her teacher) Nilofer Suleiman’s first art exhibition, and I blogged about that here.

The second edition happened this year over Independence Day weekend, and I have even better pictures to share with you all. The quality of the work displayed was even more professional this time too.

First up, here come the invites.

A wall of Van Gogh

There was an entire wall filled with Van Gogh and Klimt inspired paintings.

Snubnose’s contribution to the Van Gogh wall was this painting that copies Van Gogh’s famous wheat fields with cypresses.

Snubnose’s take on wheat fields with cypresses
Snubnose against the wall of Van Gogh paintings

A series of Klimt

The Klimt section was even more glorious – really colorful and vibrant.

We had great difficulty transporting Snubnose’s Klimt reproduction to the venue. It was massive and wouldn’t fit into the trunk, and we ended up taking a mini-van to transport it carefully.

We also had it framed with a glass covering hence this very shabby photo of her work, where the glass reflection makes it impossible to see the face.

Snubnose’s reproduction of Klimt – a reproduction of the famous woman with fan paintings

Jayasri Burman

My personal favorite though had to be the section on Jayasri Burman. Less colorful than the Klimts and the Van Goghs, the Jayasri Burman section made up for it with the exquisite detailing and the pen work.

Jahnavi’s Jayasri Burman

In my opinion, this above work is one of Snubnose’s best.

Here are some more Jayasri Burman works that were present in the exhibition.

One reason why I love the Jayasri Burman section so much, is because the paintings are not attempts at exact reproductions. The kids have used their creativity and used her style to make their own art works.

Other works

A Modigliani

Snubnose had done Modigliani reproductions and contributed them to the previous exhibition (in 2016), so this time she didn’t participate in this. But, Modigliani will always be my personal favorite because of the lovely graceful lines and serene expressions of the portraits.

Another beautiful one, an example of a stippling (where you use small dots to create art) style is here.

Snubnose’s stipping of Marie Antoinette unfortunately wasn’t ready in time for the exhibition, but hey, she can always present it another time, right?

Overall, the exhibition was incredibly well-received (especially considering that it was a long weekend). And Snubnose came back feeling extremely encouraged and motivated to continue with her art.

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  1. Pingback: 1forster
  2. says: Kelly Moore

    Thanks for such a beautiful visual treat. Enjoyed your article as well as the pictures.

  3. says: berlin

    wow, the wall of Van Gogh made me be interested of this place. I have anything Van Gogh collection and they a smile on my face just by looking at them.