Key Health Benefits of Fresh Air

There are many actions that people take to try and stay fit and healthy, such as joining a gym, buying fresh organic produce, and even investing in their own wellness guru; however, the costs soon mount up.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a natural way to improve your health?One that is not only completely free but also in vast abundance.

Well, there is: good, old fashioned fresh air.

If you work all day in an office, commute via public transport and spend most of your evenings either sprawled on the sofa or pounding the treadmill in the gym, chances are you are getting very little fresh air.

You may even turn down invites from your friends to get out and about in favour of chatting via a messaging app or social media site.

However, if you want to improve your overall health, fresh air should be your new best friend, and this is why:  

Fresh air boosts your mood

It is important to look after not only your physical wellbeing but also your mental health, especially seeing as mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression are on the rise in the UK.

Getting your daily dose of fresh air can work wonders for your mood, increasing your serotonin levels (that’s your happy hormone) and making you feel uplifted and positive for the day ahead.

Fresh air is beneficial to your digestive system

If you have had a heavy meal or you are feeling a little sluggish, chances are your gut is not in the best of shape, with more bad bacteria being present than good. Being out in the open air helps to increase the oxygen levels in your body, which in turn, aids digestion.

Furthermore, a healthy digestive system can help you with weight loss.

It is also worth knowing that getting fresh air doesn’t have to be boring. You don’t have to stomp around the park each and every day, looking at the same trees and avoiding the same yapping dogs. There are many open-air activities that you can indulge in that are fun and good for your health.

Why not look into joining a boat club? Have you not always pictured yourself out on the open water, hair blowing in the wind, maybe even a glass of fizz in hand?

Fresh air can help strengthen your immune system

If you often find yourself coming down with every minor illness that’s currently doing the rounds in your office or at your child’s school, it may be beneficial for you to try and boost your immune system.

Forget any pricey supplements and just head outside instead. Breathing in fresh air will mean more oxygen in your bloodstream, which in turn, helps your white blood cells to fight off germs and bacteria.

Fresh air can improve your overall brain function

How often do you pop out at lunchtime and have a brisk walk around the shops or through a nearby park?

Even if it is not that often, you can’t fail to notice that you return to work feeling more alert and ready to tackle the afternoon’s tasks when you have had some time away from the shackles of your desk.

Regular bouts of fresh air can actively boost your brain function and improve your concentration levels. You are also less likely to reach for the biscuit barrel mid-afternoon as your usual slump in energy should be a thing of the past.

Not to mention that getting outside will increase your vitamin D intake, making you feel more positive and strengthening your bones and immune system in the process.

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