Off to Great Places, we’re off and away

Actually, not really. While all my friends seem to have migrated off to Europe and the Americas, we are still around in Bangalore flailing around in the heat and power cuts, and poor water supply.

Snubnose has been admirably patient for so long, but last week when her closest friend’s family decamped to Paris and Dubai, she put her foot down and said we need to go somewhere, and to be honest, I feel the same.

My matchy matchy littles staying cheerful in spite of the heat and lack of power
My matchy matchy littles staying cheerful in spite of the heat and lack of power

Of course, as usual we have planned nothing in advance and so my mother’s house in Chennai is where we will go. It’s been ages since we visited. Considering the temperatures, some may say that we are jumping from frying pan to fire and they would be right. I am counting on the fairly regular power situation and the air-conditioner to get through the heat.

So I am busy finishing off last-minute stuff, packing, and general running around and we’re headed off for a week of fun and relaxation with the family.

I”ll be away from the blog all of next week. The posts that I have scheduled for next week will publish, but I”ll be away from active blogging and commenting.


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  1. says: Mexico123

    Send Mother’s Day Flowers to Mexico and celebrate the unconditional bond of love and the sacred mom-child relationship with the help of the online shopping sites. They offer variety of breathtaking items to make the special day countable in the most cherish able memories she would have in her lifetime. Immerse your lovely mummy in the ocean of your affectionate feelings and gifts and hug her tight to say that she is the best.

  2. says:

    Hope you are having a nice break Nish. Have loads of fun. 🙂

  3. says: Monique

    Have a great break. You are so organised, having all your posts scheduled!

    1. says: Nishita

      @disqus_fT2TINuo2O:disqus not really. I only get time to blog over the weekends, so I always schedule my posts in advance 🙂

    1. says: Nishita

      @laavanyas:disqus Thanks, Laav. Will definitely do. Do you miss the place?

  4. says: SRS

    Happy vacation! Heard It’s super hot. .. it already was when i left in April. …Had I been in Chennai I would have reqUested to meet u!!

    1. says: Nishita

      @SRS oh, it would have been great to meet. You are the sensible one, LOL to leave Chennai before it gets too hot.

    1. says: Nishita

      @veens:disqus of course, with the little one, home is the best place 🙂