{Almost} Wordless Wednesdays: A Modigliani

For the past couple of months, snubnose has been studying the Modigliani style of art and been trying to recreate it using oil pastels.Here’s Snubnose hard at work on her own Modigliani.

Some of the common visual elements of Modigliani’s portraits are a tilted neck, a serene expression, a longish face, and muted colors. I do think snubnose got it right this time. She actually went a little wild and made the chin a little too pointy and went a bright blue for the dress. Her teacher helped her correct the face and soften the colors used.

It took weeks to complete!

And here’s the final one.

Snubnose and I didn’t show it to K, we hid it from him and framed it on the sly to gift him a surprise for our wedding anniversary today (13 years together!).

The gift had the opposite effect to what we intended though.

K and I debated ok fought over where to place it in the house. I want it right up front and center on display while he wants it in one of the inner rooms where we spend more time. Snubnose and my father-in-law joined in the fight expressing their opinions and it became a complete free for all…with sulks and hurt feelings all around 😟 .

Let’s see how we work it out 😊 .

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  2. says: Avada Kedavra

    That’s beautiful. I was not aware of this art form but snubnose did a great job. Belated happy anniversary wishes 🙂

    1. says: Nish

      @Ava: Thanks :). I’ve never heard of Modigliani before too. But apparently this is his classic style of painting.

      Now, snubnose and her friends are practicing some Madhubani art, can’t wait to see how that one comes out 🙂

  3. says: Cleo

    I love that picture. What a wonderful gift I really hope you find a solution to its placement soon 🙂

    1. says: Nish

      @Jairam, Madhusmita: We figured it out today morning. Actually, I had queued up this post on Sunday for publishing, and I forgot to update. We argued and debated and finally came up with a solution that pleases us both. Now to find the time to implement it. Another weekend project!

      Thanks for the kind words on her art 🙂

    1. says: Nish

      @Jenny: Thank you. We eventually have finalized a spot that we are both happy with. We need to add a little lighting to brighten up the area, will probably work on it this weekend 🙂