Sale Shopping in San Francisco

I spent last saturday in San Francisco. A fashion-savvy blogger buddy of mine forwarded me an invitation to The Warehouse Sale. I figured that my saturday was pretty much empty + I was planning to go to San Francisco anyway, so why not take a look…

The sale was on in a huge ballroom in a hotel, with racks and racks of jeans. Whoo…it’s a good thing that they had separated them out by size, because there was no way I would have ever been able to sort through all that stuff.

Tons of brands, but not so many varieties of jeans. I was primarily looking for black or grey boot-cut jeans, something more formal (with a trouser kind of shape). However, most of the jeans were pretty form-fitting with a lot of embellishment.

I was somewhat tempted to try on a few though, and I eventually ended up picking this one. It’s fit was simply awesome, and I am pretty kicked about the discount I got. From the photo, it looks pretty basic, but the fit is great, and the material is supersoft.

My Cool New Jeans (photo from the internet)
My Cool New Jeans (photo taken from the internet). My piece is a little lighter in shade

They did not have price tags on the jeans, so I was a bit wary of trying on (and loving) something that might not be in my price range. Was pleasantly surprised when I went up to the counter for the billing :).

From the website I gather that these sales occur quite frequently and in a number of places throughout USA. So, if you are a denim lover, but chaff at the prices for high-end denim, you could consider trying one of these sales.

Be warned though…it’s not a place for shy people. The dressing room is communal. Its a room thrown together that has racks for you to hang the jeans you are trying on. You literally have to find some floor space, and change right there. Your clothes get stepped on, you are bumping into other girls. Its an experience for sure. The nice thing is everybody is sharing stuff to try on, you get honest opinions…it was great fun, I loved it!

One more caveat: No return policy, so you need to be sure you love the jeans you are trying on before you buy them.

That’s not the only shopping I did though. I managed to snag some really cute stuff for the snubnose – rhinestone sunglasses! Two for five dollars from The Children’s Place

Sunglass #1
Sunglass #1
Sunglass #2
Sunglass #2

The snubnose has been asking me for yellow color cooling glasses for a long time now, and I was never able to find something satisfactory in India, so I am super-excited to go home and show her these. I can’t wait to see her face light up in joy!

Oh, I am missing her so much 🙁

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  1. The denim look of the blog is after the denim sale at San Francisco?? 😀
    Cool it is! 🙂
    And the jeans…I am drooling!! 😛

    1. says: Nish

      @Shilpa: yes, new look inspired by the denim 🙂 … wordpress now has this cool new feature where you can change the background image without changing the theme.

      For Blogger, this is an old feature I think, but now that it is in WP, I am utilizing it to the fullest 🙂

  2. says: bedazzled

    love u r new template!!.. and a communal changing room sounds scary !!!.. enjoy your jeans !! ;-).. and i had an “awwwwww.. Schoo sweet” moment when i read the part about snubnose’s face lighting up after seeing the goggles…