How to Care for Your Family During the Summer

It may feel like the summer months are a while off, but those hotter days will soon be upon us, and for a family – especially a family with younger children – preparation for protection and health is key in warmer weather.

Here are some crucial health tips for caring for your family – and yourself – during the summer.

Stay Hydrated

If you and your family struggle to consume the right amount of water on a daily basis anyway, then an even bigger effort is going to be needed during the summer. The amount of water lost through sweat in hotter weather means you’re going to have to ensure that your family is staying hydrated enough. This is especially important for avoiding sunstroke, also known as heatstroke, which happens when the body gets too hot.

If you are planning family days out in the sun, always remember to pack enough water to take with you or be sure to buy some when you are out.

Pay Attention to Allergies

General allergies are most likely going to become a problem at the peak of summer due to the amount of pollen in the air. Allergies like hay fever can be very uncomfortable and upsetting for everyone, from younger children to adults when they leave you feeling as ill as you would be if you had the cold or flu.

That’s why it’s important to pay attention to any signs of allergies, even if your children haven’t had any problems in previous years. For more serious cases, you can seek medical guidance from institutions like Velda Rose Medical Center, who can best advise you on problematic allergy cases.

Always Wear Sunscreen

Simply applying sunscreen before your family leaves the house isn’t enough. For long days spent out in the sun, you need to be sure that you are re-applying at regular intervals, especially on younger children who may be dipping in and out of water if you are enjoying a day at the beach or at the pool. Although a lot of sunscreens are defined as waterproof, it’s still a good idea to re-apply after spending long periods in water.

Seek Out Shade

It’s always great to get a tan in summer and to spend some time sunbathing and relaxing. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t force yourself to stay out in the sun for long periods, especially if you are beginning to feel too hot or dizzy. If you are spending all day outdoors, be sure to pinpoint an area of shade you can retreat to, such as using a sun umbrella when needed, to make sure that your family remains safe from the sun.

Use Insect Repellent

Bugs and insects are one of the major inconveniences of summer – especially on the skin of younger children who may not be able to handle the irritation as comfortably as adults can. Using a reliable insect repellent whenever needed, especially if you are walking in fields or woodland, will help to keep your family protected from awkward bites and itches and serve as a deterrent for any creepy crawlies.

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