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Just realized today is Friday the 13th, and that’s really got me in the mood for some movie/show watching. Browsed through my streaming options, and here are some interesting options. Which one would you pick?

- Alien – Classic terror. I vaguely remember being terrified out of my mind when I saw it as a kid. Don’t know what my parents were thinking to allow me to see it. But I think now as an adult, I might enjoy it a bit more.
- Only Murders in the Building – I was waiting for all 10 episodes of season 3 to land so that I could binge-watch in one go. And then somewhere along the way, I forgot about it. Maybe this is the weekend for it.
- The Vampire Diaries – I have been watching this on and off all this year. Now, in the middle of season 3, but I am slowly starting to lose interest. It’s not as bingeable as Pretty Little Liars that I watched a couple of Halloweens ago.
- The Fall of the House of Usher – Newly landed on Netflix, but initial reports don’t seem too promising.
- Perfume – Long been on my watchlist. A series, and of late, I don’t have the attention span to sit through one. But this is only 6 episodes, so maybe I”ll be able to get through it.
- Eerie – A Filipino movie that seems a little clichéd but the trailer was pretty spooky. And I haven’t anything from the Philippines, so
- The Shining – Another classic. This one I haven’t seen, nor have I read the book. So, if I watch it, I am hoping to be shocked senseless.
- Hannibal – My friends have been saying this series is great, and may be it is. It has Mads Mikkelson who I like. A lot. But nothing else about the show seems very compelling. Would you also recommend I watch it?
Are you planning to watch anything for Friday 13th? Which of the above movies/shows would you recommend I try?