Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week you compile a list of ten books that coincide with that week’s theme. You can find everything you need to know about joining here!

Top ten tuesday

This week’s theme is books with one-word titles.

There are plenty of books with one-word titles, but here, I am listing the ones I enjoyed the most.

Favorite books with one-word titles
Favorite books with one-word titles
  1. Outlander by Diana Gabaldon – Probably the most famous book on my list. I loved this book so much, and was looking forward to reading a good, long historical series. Sadly, my interest waned by the third book.
  2. Hamnet by Maggie O’Farrell – Possibly the saddest book on this list.
  3. Tidelands by Philippa Gregory – Another historical. I liked this book, but wasn’t tempted enough to read the rest of the books in the series. It’s also possibly the weakest from this list.
  4. Animal by Lisa Taddeo – Nasty, sad, traumatic. All the negatives, but also really well-written and powerful.
  5. Verity by Colleen Hoover – One of the most twisted books I have read.
  6. Artemis by Andy Weir – Honestly, I had pretty much forgotten about this book. Then I read my review, and remembered I really liked the wit and humor, just not as much as The Martian.
  7. Milkman by Anna Burns – The most literary book on this list , and also the best one, in my opinion.
  8. Macbeth by Jo Nesbo – I love the original Macbeth, but this modern adaptation was also pretty damn good.
  9. 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami – The weirdest book on my list, but still somehow very enjoyable. It’s also the fattest, as well as being the one I got through the fastest.
  10. Beartown by Fredric Backman – A book about hockey in a small town shouldn’t have been that interesting. But this book surprised me, very well-written, and heartbreaking.

What are your favorite books with one-word titles?

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  1. Interesting, I didn’t know that Jo Nesbo put his own twist on Macbeth. It might be a far easier read for me than the old Shakespearean language.

  2. I love that you tweaked today’s topic to put your favorites! Have a great week and thanks for stopping by my blog earlier 🙂

  3. says: Rissi JC

    I’ve not read a single novel by Colleen but do know her books are CRAZY famous! Haven’t ever read Outlander either, but both of those are great fits for the topic today! 🙂 Thanks a bunch for visiting my website today. Appreciate this.

    1. says: Nish

      Verity gave me a lot of anxiety, I was ping ponging all over with the emotions 😀