Tips on removing oil stains from clothes

It can be an annoying and frustrating experience trying to remove oil stains from your clothes. Here are some tips that will help you tackle this problem when it arrives.

Dish soap and baby powder

Dish soap is vital in removing oil stains from your kitchen utensils, so this could also translate to removing oil stains from clothes. As for baby powder, it can absorb the oil stain and completely remove it from the fabric. To get the desired result, coat the stain in baby powder, and then gently rub it in with a toothbrush. Mix four teaspoons of water with a teaspoon of dish soap, and then soak the affected part of the fabric in this solution for 30 minutes. Use the toothbrush to rub the affected area to remove the stain. After this, wash the entire cloth in cool water.

Oxygen bleach

This can be helpful in getting rid of all kinds of stains – and oil stains aren’t left out. For colored clothes, you should get a color-safe version. You could also hire dry cleaning in Croydon to maintain the quality of your clothes. This oxygen bleach can also be applied to set-in stains. First of all, rinse the fabric so it becomes wet. Set a wash cycle with the recommended oxygen bleach amount. Allow the machine to slightly fill up while making sure the fabric soaks in the solution for at least an hour. Wash at a warm temperature and let it air dry.

Baking soda

Baking soda as a remedy works by soaking up all the oil from the fabric. First of all, make sure excess oil is removed by cleaning the fabric with a cloth or paper towel. Apply baking soda to the stained area and let it sit for up to 24 hours. When those 24 hours elapse, remove the baking soda by either brushing or vacuuming. Apply a water and vinegar solution to the affected area before scrubbing with some soap and a brush. Rinse the fabric after doing this and repeat the process if the stain remains.

Paint thinner

This remedy is ideal for clothes stained with engine or motor oil. Use a cloth or some paper towels to remove the excess oil on the fabric, making sure not to allow it to spread. Put paper towels underneath the affected area which will protect the other side of the fabric by collecting excess oil. Find an old toothbrush and dip it into the paint thinner, then apply it over the affected area (making sure the bristles infuse the liquid into the fabric). Make sure you do this until most of the stain has disappeared. Remove excess moisture with a paper towel and apply water to the area with the toothbrush. You should also add a bit of dish soap to the stained area as it will remove any remaining grease stain. Use warm water to rinse the affected part and then wash in the normal manner. However, you should only dry the fabric when you’re sure the stains have been removed. Otherwise, you should re-do the process.

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