Areas Family Lawyers Specialize in

Families are not all roses. No familial relationship is entirely straightforward. Family lawyers help when interpersonal relations become too complex to solve using conversation alone. Here are five areas of law that family lawyers such as Jennifer Croker can help with.


Divorce can be messy. When a married couple separates, the entanglements can be legal and emotional. Negotiating and enforcing the terms of a divorce is much more accessible with the help of an experienced family lawyer. Heartbreaking as divorce is, keeping things practical is a necessity. Most divorces happen in part because negotiation has broken down between partners. Legal counsel from professionals like those at this Arizona Family Law firm is necessary for this situation.

Child Support

Separated parents pay child support as part of separation agreements. It’s a mandatory payment of financial aid and ensures that a child or children are given at least some financial stability during their years at home. Legal action can be taken when parents fail to pay their child support. Family lawyers can help with Illinois child support questions and are usually responsible for representing people in these disputes.


Unfortunately, many couples become embroiled in paternity disputes. These rather ugly disputes are often mediated by family lawyers who help to organize testing and courtroom representation. Paula D. Kleinman – a top family law firm in Vista – is well-versed in representing people involved in paternity conflicts. Although paternity tests can physically solve the issue of biological fatherhood, they don’t cover the disputes that can arise, thanks to the results they reveal. Family lawyers must be kept on to help mediate after the results of paternity tests have been informed.

Restraining Orders

People take out restraining orders to protect themselves from dangerous ex-partners or relations. They are essential for people who want to escape abusive partners. They provide the legal context for law enforcement prevention of difficult partners making contact.

A Harrisburg, domestic violence attorney can help survivors of domestic abuse negotiate the terms of a restraining order against their abuser. They also help people with children who need to take a restraining charge out on someone or who are putting their children at risk.

Child Custody

During the separation of a family, the custody of children has often been considered a point of conflict. The USA has the highest global percentage of children living in single-parent homes. Most responsible parents want to have some custody over their children. This is only natural but can lead to insurmountable conflicts between separating parents. Family lawyers frequently mediate during custody battles and represent parents that want to negotiate guaranteed custody of their children. This often involves some custodial split.

Child custody is also a legal matter when government services deem parents unable to view after their children. This can be due to consistent legal trouble, substance abuse, domestic violence, and neglect. Family lawyers can help mediate terms in these tragic cases.

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