Four Easy Changes for a Greener Lifestyle

When a new year begins, many people strive to make better choices to improve their life. This year, why not incorporate green lifestyle changes that will benefit both you and the world around you too? The damaging effects of climate change can be seen across the globe, and the decisions you make in your everyday life can make an impact on the environment. Small lifestyle changes may not seem like much, but they can make a big difference when it comes to safeguarding the planet. Here are four easy lifestyle changes you can adopt to lead a greener existence.

Make Green Fashion Choices

For many people who enjoy a spot of shopping and can’t resist browsing through stores for a bargain, as an eco-conscious consumer, you may feel conflicted. Although buying new clothes is a necessity for most people, there are many things to think about when making a new purchase. There are many ways you can go wrong in terms of sustainability in the world of fashion. From the use of animal skins and furs to exploitative labor, it is important that you do your research into a company before you make a purchase. Choose brands that have eco-friendly ethics and implement sustainable practices. For example, Chimmy Churry is a shoe brand inspired by the Argentine alpargata. They pride themselves on their vegan products and use natural fiber-based materials. In addition, shopping in second-hand stores, buying local and recycling old clothes are great ways to practice sustainability.

Hydrate Yourself Sustainably

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest that all people should keep themselves well hydrated to stay healthy and function well. Hydrating yourself with water can help you maintain an optimal body weight, give you clarity of mind and help you achieve healthy skin. Unfortunately, many people purchase water in plastic bottles. Single use plastic can have a devastating effect on the planet, and plastic water bottles can take approximately 450 years to break down. Making the switch to a refillable, BPA-free water bottle instead of constantly buying and throwing away plastic bottles can make a huge difference.

Waste Less Water

Drinking more water is great for your mind and body while wasting less water is excellent for the environment. Research shows that India is running short on water. Households can reduce the amount of water consumed by installing energy-efficient fixtures, such as water-saving showerheads. Replacing baths with showers can also make a significant impact. Another way to save water is to not leave the tap running when you are brushing your teeth and shaving.

Use Solar Energy

Solar energy is harnessed from the sun, and it is a sustainable energy source. Rather than burning non-renewable fossil fuels, like coal and gas, using renewable solar energy in the home is a clean choice that does not produce harmful emissions. Not to mention, solar power is reliable and free, and once a solar-powered system is installed, households can enjoy reduced energy bills too.

If you’re hoping to live a more sustainable lifestyle in 2022, these easy changes will help you to do just that.

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