Five Steps to a Fantastic Smile

Research suggests that up to one-third of adults are unhappy with their smiles. For some people, this is something that they live with. They smile and try not to think about it too much. When asked, they’d admit to being unhappy and wanting to make changes, but it’s not something that affects their day-to-day life. For other people, it’s something more. They hate their smiles. These people might go out of their way to avoid smiling in public. They might also have trouble eating in front of people or showing their teeth in other ways. This can be debilitating. These people struggle with their confidence and find social situations uncomfortable.

The good news is, no matter how old you are, there are some things that you can do to improve your smile and feel more comfortable sharing it.

Get Into a Good Brushing Routine

When it comes to caring for your teeth there’s nothing more important than brushing. A good brushing routine prevents decay and gum disease while also improving your breath. If you’ve got kids, a good routine can also help you to set a good example that will stick with them for life.

Invest in a good toothbrush and get into the habit of replacing it regularly. Brush for two minutes, morning and night, setting a timer if you need to. Then, make sure you floss, getting in between your teeth to remove trapped bacteria and bits of food. Mouthwash isn’t always essential but can be helpful, especially if your teeth are uneven or overlap, and you struggle to brush all areas.

Visit the Dentist Regularly

If you want a great smile, you need to see your dentist regularly. A big mistake that many of us make is only going to the dentist when we have pain or obvious signs of damage. Protect your smile by visiting your dentist regularly, even when you think everything is fine.

If you are really unhappy with your smile, cosmetic dentistry from can be very worthwhile.

Eat and Drink the Right Things

Some foods and drinks stain your teeth more than others. Even with regular brushing, some stains are tough to remove. Coffee, red wine, smoking, curry, and tomato-based sauces can all stain your teeth. Even healthy things like fruit, and cordial, can erode your teeth if you have too much.

Try to drink lots of water and eat and drink things that stain your teeth in moderation.

Look After Your Skin

Of course, your smile isn’t all about your teeth. Take care of your skin and lips with moisturization and regular exfoliation for a more confident smile, without the soreness of dry skin.


Smiling can be a habit. Smile often, and it becomes more natural and feels less awkward. When you can smile widely without hesitation, your smile will become bigger and bolder. Smiling also works your facial muscles, keeping them tight as you age. Try to smile as often as you can.

A great smile can help you to feel happier and more confident. It can also help you to become more approachable and make it easier for other people to trust you.

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