The Best Oral Hygiene Routine to Follow

When it comes to looking after your health, a lot of people might think about hitting the gym more regularly and eating more fresh fruit and vegetables. While these things will certainly benefit you, it’s important to remember how much your oral hygiene can impact your health as well. Developing issues like gum disease or tooth decay can lead to further health complications if left untreated, as well as leaving you with bad breath, pain, and discomfort in your mouth. To make sure your teeth and gums are being looked after properly, here is the best oral hygiene routine that everyone should follow.

Brush Twice Daily

The simplest step to follow when it comes to looking after your teeth is brushing them twice a day with quality fluoride toothpaste. Once in the morning and again at night before you go to bed is easy to remember and will help your mouth feel clean and fresh. This process will also help to remove any plaque that has built up in-between brushes, which will reduce your chance of developing tooth decay. Using an electric toothbrush will provide a deeper clean, so if you haven’t already made the switch, this is something to consider. You should also aim to brush your teeth for 2 minutes each time to clean them properly. Just make sure you’re not brushing too hard, as this can irritate your gums.


Flossing is another very important step in a good oral hygiene routine, but it is one that a lot of people skip. The reason flossing is so beneficial is because it can get rid of plaque that has built up in the gaps between your teeth where your toothbrush can’t reach. You can do this either before or after brushing your teeth, and you should aim to do this at least once a day. Doing this after you eat your meals is better as this will get rid of bits of food and plaque straight away.

Use Mouthwash

This is another step that not everyone will do, but it can make a difference. Using mouthwash to rinse out your mouth is better than water, especially if you use a fluoride one, as this is what helps to keep your teeth healthy and strong. Rinsing your mouth out with water can wash away the fluoride, and although it won’t damage your teeth, they won’t benefit from the fluoride as much. Mouthwash can help to keep your mouth feeling fresher for longer, so use it each time you brush your teeth as well.

Go to the Dentist

Visits to the dentist can be daunting to a lot of people, but it’s important to make regular visits for your check-ups (twice a year is recommended). This is how you can identify any potential issues early and deal with them before they develop. Dentists can also offer you cosmetic dentistry treatments such as teeth whitening if you’re interested in a brighter smile. If you don’t already have a dentist, sign up for a practice like Lancaster dental care who can offer a range of dentistry treatments.

Looking after your oral hygiene is essential if you want to avoid problems with your teeth and gums and further health issues. Make sure you’re following this oral hygiene routine at home for the best results.

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