Simple Cleaning Tricks To Keep Your Home Fresh

We all want to relax and unwind in a clean, calm, and fresh-feeling home, especially after a busy or stressful day away. However, if you find that keeping your home clean is an enormous chore, then this might seem like an impossible ideal to make a reality.

Read on for some easy and practical ways to keep on top of the cleaning without spending all your time on it.

And if this sounds too difficult or hectic, there’s no shame in getting some help – they can be a boon if your life is already packed, and you need to outsource these chores.

Often, people are ashamed to ask for help because their house is in too bad a condition. I have often wondered – should i clean before the housekeeper comes? What would their expectations be of my house?

Following these simple habits should help you keep your house at a base level of cleanliness before the house cleaner arrives.

Create a habit of putting things away

If you find that most mornings start with seeing a messy room and feeling overwhelmed, it might be time to change your habits. Over the day, our main living areas will often be used for all kinds of things, from working, entertaining friends, being a play space for children, and much more. During all of those activities, it’s natural for everyday objects to accumulate and gather. After several hours, it can start to look like all the cupboards and bookshelves have been emptied everywhere.

Instead of allowing everything to accumulate, start making it a habit to put items away after you use them. Having designated storage items can help make this much easier – for instance, boxes dedicated for toys to be put away in after play or shelves to store items after you’re finished working for the day.

DIY your home cleaning products

Any visit to a grocery store will reveal a wide variety of cleaning products to choose from, often filled with artificial fragrances and chemicals that can linger long after you’ve wiped them away. If you’re tired of the scent of wipes and sprays filling your rooms, you can often swap them for gentler, natural homemade versions that can work just as effectively for everyday use.

For instance, a few drops of citrus oil in water can be a refreshing mist to clean most surfaces around the house. At the same time, baking soda on occasional animal accidents on flooring can help clean and remove tough, unpleasant odors. Of course, if something like that is recurring, it’s best not to ignore it and head to a Colonial Animal Hospital for specialist advice.

Deep clean one area at a time

While some regular light cleaning can help to keep your home in general order most of the time, after a while, it usually becomes necessary to give your living space a serious deep clean, and if you have kids or pets, this might even be more frequent. Deep cleaning can be time-consuming, but it is possible to manage when you break it up into smaller tasks.

An effective way to tackle deep cleaning is by focusing on one area of your home at a time. You may want to work on sites that are most prone to getting dirty or spaces that are used most frequently before working down the scale to the next.

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