How To Bring The Wonder Of Nature Into Your Home

Nature – whether birdsong in the morning or lush green leaves swaying in the afternoon breeze – can lift your spirits, calm you down and center you. It’s the air you breathe and the ground you walk on, but with the world becoming increasingly housebound, it’s becoming harder to enjoy these natural benefits. 

So, how can you bring nature into your home instead?

Fill Your Home With Pot Plants

One of the best ways to reconnect with nature is to look after your own family of plants. The simple act of watering your plants every day and watching them grow can give you an enormous feeling of pride and satisfaction. It’s an easy way to make any room look prettier, too. 

Use A Humidifier

Once you’ve got your family of plants, you’ll need to make sure they – and your actual family – have the best air possible at home. Humidifiers increase the amount of moisture in the air and are particularly useful in colder months when dry skin and lips become more of an issue. It will recreate the freshness of a tropical climate and ensure your home is a natural paradise for your family and your (likely tropical) plants.

Plus, if you buy a large amount of water, such as this distilled water 5l, you won’t have to worry about water supply when using a humidifier – this should be more than enough to keep you going for a good while.

Open Your Doors To Nature

You can always bring it yourself if you can’t get to nature. This doesn’t mean you need to turn your property into the house from Jumanji (unless you love lions). Instead, why not use sliding door walls from to open your doors to nature? Your view of the outside world won’t be blocked by walls or thick window frames, allowing you to view the beauty of the natural world outside like an oil painting.

Paint With Calming Colors 

The colors you choose in your home can profoundly impact your moods, and it’s all because of nature. When painting your home, it’s best to choose more natural shades that remind you of nature – such as a light sea blue, a leafy green, or a simple off-white. These will be far more calming than loud, aggressive colors and give you the same swell of relaxation you get from a beautiful view.

Surround Yourself With Natural Materials

Think wood, stone, and water. Imagine the cool touch of stone underfoot, the sweet smell of treated woodwork surfaces, and the trickle of water in your evening bath. It’s easy to take the things we see every day for granted, but using natural materials in your home is a fantastic way to reconnect with the great outdoors (and become far more environmentally friendly).

Hopefully, these tips and transformations will have you reconnecting with nature in no time. Being reminded of the beauty of nature every day is one of the most uplifting things you can bring to your home, not to mention an effective way of staying healthy. 

You could continue this natural theme by taking a relaxed walk in the local park, reading a book in your garden, or if you live near the sea, a dip in the ocean. The possibilities are endless.

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