A Guide to Purchasing the Best Plants for Your Garden

Your garden is your very own haven of nature, so you must keep it as beautiful as possible. Whatever your preferred aesthetic is and how much time you have on your hands, you should endeavour to create a place of sanctuary that you can enjoy on a fresh spring day or a warm summer evening. Buying the right plants can take your garden from OK to absolutely gorgeous, so here is a guide to purchasing the best plants for your garden. 

Choose a colour scheme

When pondering which plants to buy, you should consider what colours you want to go for. Maybe you want a forest-type aesthetic going on with huge, leafy greens, or maybe you want a picture-perfect manicured garden full of peachy pinks and rosy reds. The colours don’t all have to match but make sure they complement each other.

Consider bee-friendly plants

By choosing bee-friendly plants you will increase the wildlife in your garden on top of helping the bee population! Pretty bee-friendly plants include lavender, lilacs, and pussy willows.

Sketch out your ideas

No matter what your artistry skills, it’s a good idea to sketch out what you want your finished garden to look like. Have a look around and pick the patches you want to fill with new plants, and draw them. This way, you will have a visual of the overall effect and will see if it’s what you want before you begin planting. 

Consider your area

Where do you live? Is there a lot of wind, rain, wildlife? Do you have a big patch of soil, or will you mainly be using plant pots? You should figure out your area and what will be viable before you start buying your new plants. 

Get rid of the weeds

To be able to see how much room you have for your new plant purchases, you need to get rid of any weeds you may have. Unfortunately, this isn’t always an easy task, and sometimes you might need professional help. If you find the dreaded Japanese Knotweed, then you must seek out a Japanese Knotweed removal company as soon as possible. Click here to find the best one for you.

Browse garden centres

Having a look at the plants in real life will give you an idea of what you want. You may have decided on the arrangement, but once you get there, you might instantly fall in love with a plant you didn’t know existed. 

Consider how much time you have

Upkeeping a garden isn’t always the easiest feat, so before you go buying your new plants, check how much attention they need. If you are home most of the time and can put in a lot of care and attention, you could opt for more high-maintenance ones. If you don’t have much time, however, then seek out hardier plants.

Once you have purchased the perfect plants for your garden, you can get started planting them. Not only will your outdoor space be more appealing to the eye, but local wildlife will be most appreciative, too. 

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  1. says: Ch4

    2020 has confirmed that I’m a millennial plant parent. I have about 50 potted plants, consisting of different kinds of succulents, cactus, and pothos spread across my box grill balconies.

    1. says: Nish

      I have been into plants this year as well. Starting small with simple ferns. Hopefully I don’t kill them.