Steps to Improving Your Smile

There are many great things in life to smile about, but if you lack self-confidence with your own smile or have ongoing issues with your teeth or oral hygiene, then often this is all you might be thinking about, even during those special and happy moments.

If you’re looking to improve your smile, then these eight steps might help.

Limit Any Food and Drink Which Stain

If you’re a big fan of food or beverages which leave a stain, then this is going to play havoc with your teeth over time. Some examples of this could be coffee, red wine, or strong foods like curry, which contain deep coloring.

You don’t have to kick your favorite items altogether but think about limiting your intake, or else thinking about alternatives, such as drinking through a straw.

Floss Everyday

Flossing is an essential part of your oral hygiene routine. Not only does it mean you don’t have to worry about bits of food stuck between your teeth when you smile, but it also means your teeth and gums remain healthy.

Invest in a Better Toothbrush

Having the right toothbrush will make all the difference and make sure your teeth stay as clean and white as possible. Consider investing in an electric toothbrush (if you haven’t already) for a more thorough clean.

Visit Your Hygienist Regularly

Dental checkups are important, but so are hygienist appointments to make sure everything is always clean and fresh. Hygienist appointments allow for deep cleaning of your teeth and gums.

Consider Any Cosmetic Treatments

It may be that you’re looking to improve your smile cosmetically, such as straightening or whitening procedures. You can speak with experts like McCrae Dental Surgery to see what can be done to best perfect your smile and ensure your teeth are in their best condition.

Practice Smiling in a Mirror

If you have constant anxiety over having the right smile in a picture or if you simply don’t know how best to smile (lips closed or teeth showing?), then practicing can really help. You can then see how you look, feel more confident that it isn’t as bad as you thought, and know exactly what to do when somebody brings out the camera!

Ditch the Cigarettes

Cigarettes will badly stain your teeth, leaving your oral health and hygiene in its worst condition, especially over long periods of time. Smoking may also increase your chances of issues such as tooth decay and gum disease, as smoking prevents a healthy supply of oxygen in your bloodstream, meaning gums cannot heal as easily. So you may want to consider cutting down — or quitting altogether.

Let Yourself Smile and Laugh Without Worrying

At the end of the day, a natural smile and laugh is beautiful no matter how you feel about it. Sometimes, letting go of the worry of what you look like and simply letting yourself enjoy those moments means that your smile will naturally look more appealing anyway.

So go ahead and smile!

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