Turning Your Backyard into a Fun and Safe Space for Your Kids

Whether it’s on a sunny weekend or after a long day at school, playing outside is a quintessential childhood experience. It’s also an important one, especially in the age of tablets, consoles and televisions that, while acceptable in moderation, aren’t nearly as healthy as a bit of traditional outdoor fun.

A recent post by Harvard Medical School gave a number of compelling reasons as to why your children should spend more time outside. This includes (protected) exposure to sunlight, exercise, cognitive benefits, confidence building, appreciation of nature and socialization.

Of course, with all the wonderful tech lying inside, your kids need a pretty good reason to head out instead. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to make your backyard a more enticing but safe way for your kids to spend their time.

Newborns and Crawlers

If your little ones are especially little, creating a backyard sanctuary is just as important for your own peace as it is for your children’s. This is a great opportunity to create a blissful space where both you and your kids can relax.

Consider hanging up a hammock and adding a few wind chimes to nearby trees. You can also include some bird feeders and some shade to keep you cool as you read, meditate or join your baby for an afternoon nap.


As your kids reach toddler age, they’ll be more compelled to head out and explore the world on their own.

Safety becomes more important here, so you might need to pick up some foam tiles to help shield your little ones’ knees from harsh cement surfaces. You can put together a mini garden shed or DIY mud kitchen so that your kids have a space to call their own. A sandbox is another great option during this age.

School-Aged Children

During their first few years of school, water, sand and plants are still a great option for your kids. You can set up a garden to help them learn about doing chores and taking care of something valuable. Additionally, a garden is a great way to save money and grow your own produce or simply beautify your backyard with some fragrant flowers.

Now is an ideal time to consider picking up a long-term investment for your garden such as a treehouse or trampoline. This rectangular trampoline is a great option for larger families and is fitted with safety features to ensure that your kids can enjoy a fun and healthy form of exercise for years to come.


Here’s where things can become a bit challenging. Most teenagers want nothing more than to be inside, but there are some potentially effective solutions.

Your best bet would be to create a space where your not-so-little ones can congregate with their friends. Include a shelter, a fire pit, some seating options and a few board games. There are no guarantees here, but it’s worth a shot.

Whether your kids are just a few months old, nearing their last years of high school or somewhere in-between, making your backyard a fun and safe space for all to enjoy is far from difficult.

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