The Difference Between Holistic and Biological Dentistry

When looking for a dentist, you may have heard of the terms holistic and biological dentistry. Mostly, this term is very interchangeable, and there isn’t much difference, if at all any difference, between the two. Here we look at why many dentists use these terms and what it means for your care.

Biological Dentistry

The term biological is used when dentists consider the actual anatomy and biology of our body. A biological dentist will look at the patient’s teeth and gums while having the knowledge that what is happening within the mouth, whether it be pain or infection, will have an effect on the body as a whole. For example, those suffering with a dental abscess, if untreated, could spread to the rest of the body and cause life-threatening sepsis.

A biological dentist also looks at prevention as one of their main tools so that treatment isn’t necessary. They will teach patients how to properly look after their teeth and either prevent or cure any tooth decay that they may be currently suffering with. Biological dentists also look at how placing metal in the teeth could cause adverse effects to the rest of the body as well as how root canals could cause more harm than good. Mercury within many dental fillings has become a controversial subject, with many dentists now looking at ridding patients of these.

Holistic Dentistry

A holistic dentist does all the above, and this is where the confusion begins with many patients. Most dentists are both holistic and biological, often without realising. The only difference may be those dentists that are members of the Holistic Dental Association. These dentists are big believers in energy and spiritual healing and try to avoid any toxic materials. Dentists do not need any special certification to call themselves either holistic or biological, and you may find many dentists calling themselves both. Many dentists use the word holistic instead, as patients want a healthcare provider that considers their whole health, which is what biological dentists do. Many patients will sway towards those that use the term holistic, although there isn’t really a difference.

Choosing a Dentist

If you are looking for a new dentist, there is no need to look into these terms too much as they are interchanged so often. Instead, you should review a dental practice’s website to review the treatments they offer, read reviews, and see for yourself if they offer a holistic approach. Any good dentist should offer a holistic approach to dentistry, regardless of whether they call themselves biological dentists or holistic dentists. This biological dentist Sydney works in a holistic manner, considering the needs of the patient, such as working with those who are anxious and assessing whether a root canal is the right option depending on their health.

When choosing between the two dentists, don’t get confused – there is really not much difference, if any. Instead, focus on what treatments the dentist offers and how you feel when you meet them. Find a dentist that you trust, regardless of which term they use.

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