Tips & Tricks for Making Order Out of Chaos in the Family Home

Have you ever yearned for a simpler lifestyle where everything in your home didn’t feel like you’ve just been through a major cyclone that left the building standing but everything inside a total mess? With all the promises that technology will make life easier in the 21 st century, you would think that this very same technology wouldn’t be a recipe for disaster.

Unfortunately, the more time saved, the more time you have on your hands to do other things, but one of them doesn’t seem to be making sense out of your living space. Books, backpacks, yesterday’s dishes and a million other odds and ends are all left lying about, but the sad thing is, there’s no place to tuck them away. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you make order out of the chaos.

Have You Thought of Redesigning Your Living Space?

One of the major obstacles for ridding your life of all that chaotic mess is that homes of the past just weren’t designed to accommodate the busy lifestyles we enjoy today. Most architects of previous generations were focused on design elements far above utility and functionality. Perhaps it’s time to get inspired by design ideas from architect services. It could be that it’s time to do a bit of renovation to make order out of the chaos. Such things as built-in bookshelves and an additional closet or two could help you find a home for all those things that don’t seem to have one.

Learn to Let Go

You may not know it, but the average person is a hoarder! You’ve seen the reality shows where a team of specialists go into a home to help the residents learn how to rid their lives of all that literally useless trash. A huge step is going to be learning how to let go of those things you ‘thought’ you might use one day but have been sitting on shelves for years on end. They just take up space where other things that you do use regularly could be neatly stored.

Devise a System of Rewards and Restrictions

When it comes to keeping a family home devoid of all those odds and ends being left lying where they sit, it’s time to devise a system of rewards and restrictions. You’ve worked very hard to redesign a lovely functional home that has the perfect blend of form and function. Now that you’ve put those design ideas from your architect to work for you, it’s time to get the family involved. Set up a reward system for your kids so that they will get rewarded for putting things away. Those bookshelves and closets were added for a reason and kids should learn to use them! Anyone that makes it through the week without demerits gets a reward, while those who racked up points are restricted from favorite weekend pastimes.

Many parents have had amazing success with the reward and restriction method, and now that you spent time and money on a total new look for your home, it’s time to be proactive in relearning a lifestyle in keeping with those fresh, clean lines. You’ve designed your home, now redesign your chaotic lifestyle. You’ll be amazed at your successes. Now enjoy!

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