Balancing Life as a Mom and Nurse

Becoming a mother is something most women are never fully prepared for. Children are full of surprises, and every child is truly different. You also don’t know how demanding motherhood can be until you’re in the thick of it. Nevertheless, superwomen everywhere are making the impossible happen and finding a balance between work and motherhood. However, some days can be very hard, especially if you are a nurse. There are simple things you can do to maintain balance and succeed in the workplace as well as at home. Keep reading below for tips on how you can balance life as a mother and nurse.

Develop a Routine

The first tip for finding balance as a mom and nurse is developing a routine. Without one, every day can feel more chaotic than it needs to. Try to create a routine that works for you; make a list of your most common and recurring tasks every day, and then break them up into morning, midday and evening, so it’s easier to sort. Once you’ve done this, you can allocate a time slot to each task, but be sure to leave room for flexibility. Once you get into the swing of your routine, you’ll see what works and what doesn’t.

Aspire for More

When you’re a mom, it can become so easy to get comfortable and forget about your aspirations. However, this could lead to unhappiness or regret later on, so try to avoid doing this. Instead, face your dreams head-on and find a way to make it work. If, for instance, you want to transition into a position with more responsibility, think about furthering your education by getting a DNP.

In terms of reasons to earn a DNP, there are likely to be more than 100,000 RN positions available by 2022, and you want to be qualified to fill up one. Also, you could be earning an average salary of $97,452. With that being said, organize your career goals around your family and don’t give up.

Take Care of You

Self-care is just as important as motherhood and your career as a nurse. The reality is that if you aren’t in a good place physically or mentally, doing well at work or home isn’t likely to be possible. Take the time out to do things that relieve your stress levels and bring you peace and happiness. It could be a spa day once a month or spending kid-free time with loved ones. Self-care is ultimately about making sure that you feel your best and putting yourself first every so often.

Create a Support System

It’s essential that you have a support system if you want to do well in your career and still maintain a healthy family. This support system could consist of other nurses or supportive family. This will ensure you have people to bounce ideas off of as well as share your frustrations with.

Plan Ahead

Doing things such as meal planning and getting your work bag ready the night before can save you a lot of stress. Get into the habit of using a meal plan as well as prepping your food over the weekend if possible. Anticipate what you and your kids may need every day and find ways to do it early, so you have less to worry about on a daily basis.

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