Alternative Gifts for Christmas

As Christmas edges ever closer, the need to rush around preparing for the big day heightens to a fever pitch. Yet, as each year passes, it seems that gifts crop up again and again in a seeming cycle of replicated presents by a certain point. How many candles, perfumes, or sets of body lotions and potions can one person receive in a lifetime? Stood in front of a row full of such items, you find yourself asking that question. However, budgets don’t always lend themselves to the weird and the wonderful, all in the name of “different,” so what can be given this year that doesn’t leave our purses crying out from resultant emptiness?

Think Outside the Box

What to get the person who seemingly has everything, though? Their shelves could be overflowing with jars of jams and chutneys, their walls might offer no additional space for hanging pictures, and their wardrobe might be full of last year’s unworn presents – so what to gift those people with?

One thing you could consider is model kits and eModels have a range of models to suit a variety of tastes. You could also sponsor a favored wild animal in their name, presenting them with a photograph of the animal and a certificate in their name, or, thinking even broader, you could look into how to buy a star with Star Registration. Whether singular or even a constellation, that’s certainly an unusual, stellar choice on a cosmic level. Speaking of stars, an accompanying gift might be themed on the zodiac and horoscopes, which will add a unique touch. How about a set of tarot cards, for instance? Wrap accompanying gifts as described, and 2017’s gift might be the present they remember the most.


The obvious answer lies in getting crafty (pun intended) and making presents. Unless you’ve tried, you don’t know whether or not you’ve got that creative streak in you. It could be knitting or embroidery (think scarves and cushions), pottery or photography (a vase or framed reminder of a shared precious moment), even a knack with homemade jams and chutneys (adorn those jars with seasonal ribbons) – as long as it’s packaged prettily, a gift made from your time and effort (not to mention a sprinkling of love) is always appreciated. Further, your homemade gift indeed won’t be found in stores. If the gift is intended for someone outside of your immediate family, your children can get involved and make it a group-formed present.

Due to the sentiment, these sorts of presents aren’t sneered at, but rather are more meaningful. Of course, the term “homemade” also utilizes a different wrapping. For instance, instead of overspending on expensive wrapping paper (negating the purpose of getting creative in the first place), throughout the year, make it a habit to keep back that cardboard-colored packing paper that protects items in boxed parcels, as this can be ironed flat and stamped with decorative, seasonally-apt designs (reindeer, snowmen, even penguins) and used instead of expensive store-bought paper, then tied round with ribbons of whichever color you so choose.

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1 Comment

  1. Ooh, star registration is such a cool idea! I’ve started getting really into the idea of subscriptions as gifts — whether it’s a subscription box or a subscription to a magazine or journal, it’s just fun to know that you’ll be getting mail regularly as the new year commences.