Weekend Lunch at Flechazo

Flechazo is a Spanish word. According to Google Translate, it means love. It can also mean revelation or love at first sight. Whichever meaning you choose to take, it would be an apt description for our dining experience at Flechazo last weekend.

Flechazo is advertised as a Mediterrasian restaurant delivering the best of both worlds. It’s located on Outer Ring Road close to a number of IT tech parks and consequently is the destination of choice for corporate team gatherings.

This part of Bangalore tends to be a little deserted on weekends, so I was extremely surprised to see that the place was packed full on a Sunday afternoon when we walked in for a late lunch (almost 2:30) after our Holi celebrations.

A sure sign of success indeed!

Anyway, since we had an invite for a food tasting, we waltzed past the queue of hungry diners to our table (with a rather apologetic look at them), and settled in at our table, and ordered a couple of drinks to start.

The Margarita and the Mai Tai
The Margarita and the Mai Tai

I’ve tasted better Margaritas, but the Mai Tai is to die for. Just the perfect combination of rum, liqueur, and juice.

The real star of the show when it comes to drinks though was the drink called A Juicy Scandal. It is a combination of white rum and paan syrup, and it didn’t sound appetizing when the waiter described it to us. But when we tried it, boy oh boy! Amazing. If you like to drink rum-based drinks, I highly recommend you try the Mai Tai and A Juicy Scandal.

Happy smiles after tasting our delicious drinks
Happy smiles after tasting our delicious drinks

Now onto the food.

Flechazo is primarily a buffet restaurant. You can go around the various food counters and choose what you like, and you are utterly spoilt for choice in the variety of food available to try.

You can go to the food shots counter for small sushi plates, to helpings of chaat (yes, take that Mediterrasian description with a pinch of salt, this restaurant also serves a variety of Indian foods as well).

If you are feeling in the mood for Italian, you can go to the live counters where they make pizzas and pastas for you.

The pizzas were excellent, with a slight twist on the non-vegetarian pizza. They asked us whether we’d like prawns on top of it. This ws something quite unusual to us, but K jumped at the chance to try some prawns, and he was very satisfied with the dish.

You can even make a pizza yourself if you feel like it. I definitely felt like it and had a go at rolling the dough (very similar to making a chappathi dough). I added the toppings, and cheese, and thrust it into the oven, feeling very like a pro at it.

Trying my hand at pizza
Trying my hand at pizza

The pizza came out delicious 🙂 .

By now, we were too stuffed to do anything more than a cursory sampling of the main course buffet.

The main course is good, but I’d suggest saving the space for the delicious pizzas, pastas, and sushi instead. This is one of those restaurant where the main course is more of an afterthought.

And of course, you always have to make room for the dessert!

Delicious desserts
Delicious desserts

We also tried the “nitro” ice creams (liquid nitrogen filled ice creams with different flavors like paan, chocolate, coconut), and while they look impressive, I preferred the macarons, and the jalebis.

Overall, this is a great place to go if you are looking for a family-style restaurant. It’s very child-friendly, and the pizza making would definitely be a hit with the kids. It’s also a great value for money place for large gatherings, and hungry diners.

If you are a couple looking for a quiet, cosy place to eat, this is not the place for you. We though enjoyed our loud, boisterous, and fun lunch there. Highly recommend!

For rates, check out the Zomato listing. You will be pleasantly surprised, I guarantee!

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  1. says: claudialynn

    We were in Honolulu this weekend, and sat at the bar in California Pizza Kitchen watching them make and bake the pizzas, so a sort of similar experience, and with a delicious rum/fruit drink.

    1. says: Nishita

      @claudialynn:disqus We have California Pizza Kitchen restaurants here too, it’s a lovely place to hang out. Glad you had a great time!

  2. says: BethFishReads

    HOw fun that you could make your own pizza! All the food sounds delicious, but now I want a Mai Tai!

    1. says: Nishita

      @BethFishReads:disqus I am on the lookout for a good recipe that I can create at home. It’s a delicious drink. I am always partial to rum (like the Mai Tai) or whisky based cocktails and always gravitate to those ones.

  3. says: Ca4ole

    Interesting sort of restaurant. Have a great week. Cheers from Carole’s Chatter

  4. The pizza looks amazing and this sounds like such a fun experience! I now have a craving for rum based drinks. A Juicy Scandal sounds delicious and unusual!

    1. says: Nishita

      @disqus_MmhuYoYz0y:disqus I realized rum (or whisky) based cocktails are my poison of choice. I used to earlier only choose gin or vodka drinks (because I was told they are a woman’s drink), I am now completely over them, and can’t believe I stayed away from rum or whisky for so long.

    1. says: Nishita

      @reshsusan:disqus Frankly, I feel the best pizzas are the ones you can order home and eat in front of the TV with your night clothes. That’s my favorite kind of pizza 🙂