Hassle-free painting with Berger paints

I remember the time a couple of years back when we had just bought our house, and were arranging for the painting. It was an exciting time, going through shade cards, and pinned images, and deciding on a color scheme for the place. The reality of getting the house painted though was so cumbersome. While we were eagerly anticipating moving into our new home, the painters were in absolutely no hurry at all.

The whole process of prepping the walls, sanding, and then waiting for the paint to dry, was such a laborious and tedious process, that even now, I shudder at the thought of going through that again, which I need to do soon as the old paint has started to fade and peel.

So, imagine my thrill when I found out that Berger Paints is offering an end-to-end painting solution that makes use of automatic machines that cut the overall painting time by 40-50%. I was absolutely gobsmacked at the news and happily accepted the blogger invite to learn more.

Over a Saturday afternoon in the swanky Hotel Lalit Ashok, we all gathered to hear Chandranath Banerjee – the service head of the Express Painting division of Berger go through the advantages of using Express Painting.

The presentation
The presentation

In brief:

  • 40 percent faster than traditional painting
  • Trained painters for efficient and better painting
  • Get sparkling results with our no-mess tools!
  • Cutting-edge vacuĆ¼m suction-enabled sanding machines keep your house dust-free
  • Better coverage and smoothness guaranteed each time
  • Our certified tools make sure a better finish with high efficiency
  • No extra cost

I was quite taken aback when he mentioned that there were no extra costs. In my head, I was pretty certain this would cost a small fortune. However because of the mechanization, and the quicker turnaround time, the cost ends up being the same.

Chandranath did a surprisingly brief presentation after which we walked around the various machines that they had on display.

One of the tools on display
One of the tools on display

I thought some of the tools were really handy – for example, the sanding machine. In general, the process of sanding a wall is extremely painful. There is the issue of dust all over the place (especially very painful if you are actually living in the house being painted), and the process of sanding is also very manual, and muscle-achey. So, when I saw the sanding machine in the demo, with a vacuum suction tool and a handy dust bag to collect all the dust, I was very happy.

Apart from the sanding machine, there was a multi-purpose mixer, an auto-roller, a paint sprayer, and a washer – all essential machines if you want a quick, hassle-free painting.

After the presentation and demo, the fun began!

Because this was a paint-themed event, all of us were divided into small groups, and asked to try our hands at sanding a board, and then afterwards to paint a canvas based on a theme they set us.

Now, I’m not the least bit artistic, and I had a minor panic attack at the thought of putting paint to brush, and was majorly regretting why I hadn’t bought my artistic daughter Snubnose to this event, she would have been in her element.

Anyway, our team gathered together, debated briefly, googled up ideas on the internet, and within 20 minutes (that was our time-limit) came up with the following masterpiece.

Our masterpiece
Our masterpiece

Our theme was Colors of India and so we focused on creating Indian motifs like Batik, Warli art, and so on. We were feeling pretty confident about our work and felt sure we would win.

That is, until we saw the competition display their work.

I loved this art piece - and it wasn't even the winning entry!
I loved this art piece – and it wasn’t even the winning entry!

Our team then gave up all hopes of winning the competition. Instead we lingered at our tea and cookies, and got to know each other better – generally chatting blogger stuff, and clicking selfies, and tweeting – the usual stuff a bunch of bloggers get up to in an event.

Clicking selfies with each other
Clicking selfies with each other

After tea, we all filed back to hear the news of the winners, and as expected, we did not win. In spite of that disappointment though, it was a great, interactive, fun, and knowledgeable session with Berger Paints, and I came back pretty sure that Express Painting is the way to go for all major painting needs.

What have your experiences been with painting your homes? Is it as painful as say carpentry, or plumbing? What’s the absolute most tedious thing while putting the finishing touches on a new home?

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