All the light we cannot see

I never wanted to read All the light we cannot see for the longest time. From all the descriptions and reviews I read online, it seemed like another The Book Thief – a book I loved, but I didn’t particularly want to read another book about children in World War 2.

All the Light We Cannot see

I eventually caved in and got this book because all the reviews were just too glowing to ignore any longer.

About the Book

Here’s what the book is about.

All the light we cannot see

The book follows the lives of two main protagonists:

  • Marie Laure is a blind French girl who flees Paris with her father to her uncle’s home in Saint-Malo when the Germans invade. In their possession is a priceless diamond with a fateful history.
  • Werner Pfennig is a brilliant German boy who wants to be an inventor but who is made to realize he cannot meet his dreams without selling his soul in exchange for it.

Another character (almost like a character, considering how it’s prevalent throughout) in this book is technology. Both Marie and Werner were fascinated by science, and the science itself was so beautiful and poetic that I just loved reading about it.

Marie Laure is obsessed with sea creatures – all types of mollusks in particular, and a good part of the book is dedicated to her feeling all these different mollusks, their shells, and her understanding of them.

The murex Dr Geffard keeps on his desk can entertain her for half an hour, the hollow spines, the ridged whorls, the deep entrance; it’s a forest of spikes and caves and textures; it’s a kingdom.

Werner is equally intrigued by the technology behind the radio. A veritable prodigy, he is soon identified by the top brass and put to use in the field – using his skills to trap resistance fighters (or terrorists, as they were called. Oh, the irony!) who co-ordinated their attacks via the radio and kill them.

Soon their paths meet, and a typical Boy meets Girl in wartime Saint-Malo. Love ensues.

Werner thinks of her, whether he wishes to or not. Girl with a cane, girl in a gray dress, girl made of mist. That air of otherworldliness in the snarls of her hair and the fearlessness of her step. She takes up residence inside him.

But things are rarely that straightforward, and once the war ends, Werner must face the consequences of his actions.

My Review

Oh! I loved this book. I didn’t cry as many buckets as I did when I read The Book Thief, but I think I appreciate the subtlety of this book better. Werner, especially, is written so brilliantly. He stands by and watches some horrific deeds throughout the book, but at the same time, his character is so well-explained that I could understand why he stood by mute.

Marie Laure is a more straightforward likable character, but her likability resonated less with me. She was a little too good to be true. I did love her passion for books, though – especially for 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne, which was also one of my favorite childhood reads.

So far, I have talked only about Marie Laure and Werner, but there were some wonderfully complex supporting characters. Jutta – Werner’s sister and his conscience, Frederick – his best friend who loves birds, Volkheimer – the gentle giant capable of some horrific actions, all fantastic. The French Resistance members were also wonderful.

The atmosphere in the book also seems so true to the time. I can’t explain very clearly, but reading this book was a completely immersive experience. I felt the desperation and helplessness of the people in wartime France and Germany in a way I didn’t feel when I read The Book Thief. Maybe it’s because this book is bigger in scope with more characters, settings, and much discussion about current events. At no point in reading the book could I ignore that it was wartime in Europe. The effects of the war are seen in all the small details and descriptions.

The change in atmosphere from wartime Europe to the 1970s and then the 21st century was brilliantly done. This was writing at its most masterly – the situations and the moods change drastically, yet the book retains the wonderfully moody writing style in the earlier sections.

Overall, just the most beautifully written book, and I could easily add another 20-30 lines in this post filling it up with beautiful quotes that I loved from it. I”ll spare you that, however, and urge you to go read the book. This book is very readable (the language is simple, the chapters are short), but I think it is one of those books that no one can not be moved by.

What do you think? Have you read this book?

Rating: 4 out of 5.
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  1. says: Verity M (Lilolia)

    I’m glad you enjoyed this book Nish! I was also hesitant at first but it is such a lovely story. X

    1. says: Nishita

      @Verity M (Lilolia) I know, really nice feeling when a book surpasses your expectations 🙂

  2. says: Karen

    You enjoyed it far more than I did. I got to the end but it was a bit of a struggle.

    1. says: Nishita

      @disqus_gmoXW9BOB2:disqus The story is paper thin, but I found it enjoyable. It definitely didn’t strike me as Pulitzer worthy though.

  3. says: dreamzandclouds

    sounds like a great book, will add it to my to-be-read list 🙂

  4. says: Resh Susan

    Glad you loved the book. One of my best reads of 2015. Loved the poetic language Doerr uses throughout. You are right. There are so many passages to quote,

  5. says: bermudaonion(Kathy)

    I bought this book a long time ago and need to take the time to read it this winter.