Hooked on #SuitsonCC

After this season of Game of Thrones has come to an end, life meant a bleak ten months of waiting, thinking, speculating, theorising, and cursing George R.R. Martin, his publishers, and the makers of the Game of Thrones series.

Thankfully, before I started to become totally bonkers, the new season of Suits aired last week on Comedy Central, and I got to watch it in style.

Comedy Central hosted a special screening of the show’s première episode in Church Street Social before its US telecast, on July 12 making India viewers the first fans across the globe to watch the season premiere episode.

When I received the invite, I was really excited. Turns out there are many Suits fans like me. I reached Church Street Social about 15 mins late (par for the course in Bangalore), and the place was hopping. Standing room only! Nevertheless, the energy in the place was crackling.

First up we started with a lot of warming up with quiz questions and jokes, and yeah, a lot of booze and snacks 😀 .

Sufficiently juiced up and fed, we started watching the first episode of Season 6. Suffice to say, it was gripping and fun and tense all at the same time.

Season 5 ended on a bit of a sad note with Mike (one of my favorite characters) having to go to jail. In the first episode of Season 6, the rest of the firm have to deal with the fallout resulting from Mike’s jail sentencing.

This they do with a lot of fighting among themselves, an equally large measure of weed, and some hilarious back and forth banter between Jessica, Louis, and Harvey.

I loved the way this entire set-up was depicted on-screen.

We laughed out loud so many times like when Louis was talking about not being able to hold his mud, Jessica staring at the ceiling as she’s lying on the boardroom table, Louis interacting with Norma’s ashes. Priceless! I love the guy!

Even though the firm is in dire straits, they were able to make the episode both light and funny without downplaying the seriousness of what lies ahead for both Mike and the firm.

And the last scene of Mike in prison, when he realizes he’s been played, that was fabulous.

Overall, I am so happy to be adding this show to my calendar to last me through till the next season of Game of Thrones.

So, tell me are you a fan of Suits? What TV shows are you watching these days?

Suits airs on Comedy Central every Saturday at 10pm if you want to catch it.

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  1. I still haven’t watched Suits, even though I hear it’s a delight! I’ve been watching Silicon Valley lately — I always assumed I would hate it (so many dudes! so few ladies!), but it’s actually really funny and great in a lot of ways. Recommended, if you get a chance to watch it.

    1. says: Nishita

      @readingtheend:disqus I started watching Suits from last season only, but I liked it. Fun. I have heard good things about Silicon Valley as well, but I have energy to seriously follow only one show at a time, I think 🙂