A Horsey Weekend

This weekend has been fabulous, exciting, and nerve-wracking all in one go. I will break down all the weekend goings-on over a couple of posts because that much happened.

First, in this post, I will blather on about Piglet’s excitement over starting horse-riding classes this weekend.

Piglet has always been very enthusiastic about animals (elephants in particular), and we always wanted him to experience the fun of an elephant ride.

Alas! No options were available to us, so when someone mentioned that horse-riding classes were available close by and that the horses were gentle and mild and ideal for small kids, we thought we’d try it to see if Piglet liked it. I was undoubtedly reassured to hear that the horses were gentle, which suggests that they are well-cared for by their owners – perhaps they even shop horse cbd to help keep the horses happy and healthy so that they are calm around the young riders. 

On the big day, Piglet was game for it. That is, until he saw the actual size of the horses.

It was then time to hoist a screaming, howling, and wriggling Piglet onto the horse. Somehow I managed to get his helmet fastened on and watched with bated breath and mounting terror as the horse trotted on with a wailing Piglet and his teacher clutching him tightly, seated behind him.

Soon they were out of eye-shot, and I sat down to acquaint myself with the other kids’ parents in the class. Or that is what I ostensibly did. In reality, my ears were pricked, and my eyes were strained, trying to catch some glimpse of Piglet and reassure myself that he was all right.

Thankfully, when they finally returned, I saw a calm and composed Piglet sitting alone on his horse and holding on like a pro.

Getting comfortable seated on a horse
Getting comfortable seated on a horse

Phew! What a relief that was.

The whole day he excitedly chattered about his horse riding experience to anyone and everyone he came across – even random strangers. The next day, we went through the same sequence of events again, and this time Piglet confirmed that he wanted to continue the classes.

Knowing my inconstant Piglet’s moods, I know I can’t depend on this being a long-term hobby, but I am enjoying Piglet’s sweet enthusiasm for this sport now.

In addition, spending a couple of hours breathing in the fresh open air (a rarity in our over-polluted congested city) and just spending time with the horses and the open fields is enjoyable.

Contact details if you’re interested in horse-riding classes in Bangalore:

Agram Riding and Polo Academy
ASC Centre and College
Bangalore- 560 007

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