The #AngriestWhopper in Town

Last weekend, Burger King unveiled a new limited-edition whopper called appropriately enough Angriest Whopper. It has been available in other countries

It comes with an extremely angry looking red bun (red because it is baked with hot spices, and not because of any food coloring).

Angry red whopper
Angry red whopper

Between the red-hot buns is a totally delicious and mouth-watering combination of crispy angry onion petals, spicy angry Habanero sauce and zesty jalapenos piled high atop the patty and layered with a slice of cheese, lettuce, ripe tomatoes, and creamy spicy mayonnaise.

Loved digging into this whopper
Loved digging into this whopper

I tried out the veg angriest whopper on Sunday at the Burger King on CMH Road, and I came away with my heart singing.

The whopper just hit all the right notes – it’s spicy but not too spicy, and the mayonnaise of the burger mellowed down the heat from the sauces and the bun. I also loved the flavoring of the jalapenos, and the habanero sauce, mixed in with the paprika flavoring of the bun.

I think I”ll go a step further and say that I actually liked this limited edition whopper more than their regular one.

I am so used to eating fast-food hamburgers on autopilot that Burger King really deserves a lot of credit for offering something that surprised and challenged my taste buds.

Along with the burger, we had some chicken nuggets and chicken fries. Snubnose who was with me just inhaled in all the chicken.

Delicious chicken fries
Delicious chicken fries

The chicken fries were a hot favorite all across the table, for their great taste, and super-cute packaging.

The cutest packaging
The cutest packaging

That said, the chicken on the cover looked noticeably sad, sad enough for Snubnose to feel momentarily sorry for and comment on the sad fate of the chicken, before plunging her hand in to eat yet another chicken fry.

This deliciousness was washed down our stomachs with helpings of the thickest Mango Tango milkshake for me, and a Raspberry Blues iced dessert for Snubnose.

Just the perfect Sunday lunch!

To Try

To try the angriest whopper, visit any Burger King branch near you.

The angriest whopper is available in Veg, Chicken and Mutton options and will be served in all Burger King restaurants till 30th May 2016.


Veg: Rs. 159/-
Chicken: Rs. 169/-
Mutton: Rs.219/-

Happy eating!

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  1. says: Dennis the Vizsla

    hello nishita its dennis the vizsla dog hay my dada always goze to in n out burger heer in the mithikal land of kalifornya but if they hav the angry whopper heer it sownds like sumthing wot mite loor him bak to burger king at leest to try it!!! maybe i wil git the leftovers but probly not!!! ok bye

  2. says: Vicki

    We very rarely eat at a fast food place, but I do remember BK having a weird burger a while back. My son in law has an aunt who is a manager there and she was talking about it.

  3. says: Laurie C

    I hadn’t heard about the Angriest Whopper before, either. At 830 calories, it’s not something I’ll be able to try anytime soon, but it looks like Burger King has really improved on the traditional Whopper for flavor and variety!

    1. says: Nishita

      @baystateRA:disqus Ack! Was that 830 calories? I didn’t even check!

  4. says: Ca4ole

    We haven’t had that one here in New Zealand. Cheers from Carole’s Chatter!

    1. says: Nishita

      @Ca4ole:disqus it’s quite a nice one, better than their standard offering in my opinion.

  5. I like a good fast food burger from time to time and love spice! This looks like my kind of lunch. It looks like you had a great day!

    1. says: Nishita

      @disqus_MmhuYoYz0y:disqus I am not really a burger person as such, but this one was nice and spicy. I do wish it was available in smaller sizes as well.

  6. says: claudialynn

    Well, I don’t eat fast food burgers, but noticed you had the veg version, what all was in it to replace the patty?

  7. says: Jake

    I don’t eat fast food and haven’t seen this advertised here I know my husband would love it.

  8. says: BethFishReads

    I haven’t had a fast-food burger in a long time, I wasn’t aware of the new flavors of burgers. Sounds like you had a good day — and those drinks sounds really good.