Weekend Cooking: Mixing Whisky Cocktails at Home


I received a delicious set of cocktail recipes from Hemant Mundkur, the bartender and Brand Ambassador for Black Dog Whisky at the whisky tasting event I attended the last month.

Not only was it a fun event to attend, but I got a chance to try my hand making them, and it was so much fun. Also pretty simple to replicate at home as long as you have the right tools and ingredients.

That's me having a blast trying my hand at mixing a cocktail
That’s me having a blast trying my hand at mixing a cocktail

So I thought I’d share some of my favorite drinks that he showed us to make. Maybe you would like to try these if you are planning an in-home Valentine’s date night, or any other social occasion at home.

So without any further ado, here are the recipes.

Black Dog Happyness

Nothing spells the holiday season like apple and cinnamon, and when mixed with Scotch Whisky, it warms the chilly winter evenings.


Black Dog Black Reserve 60ml

  • Apple Juice 90ml
  • Cinnamon Stick 1 to 2
  • Lime Wedge 1
  • Sugar Syrup 10ml


Muddle the cinnamon stick and lime wedge with some sugar syrup to bring out the beautiful flavors. Proceed to shake it with the apple juice and Black Dog Black Reserve Scotch Whisky and serve it in a glass with ice.

Garnish this masterpiece with a cinnamon stick and thin slices of apple

Glassware:Old Fashioned

Black Dog Caffeine Kick

This one ideal is for cooler evenings where you need the coffee but also a kick.


  •  Black Dog Triple Gold Reserve 45ml
  • Black Coffee (cold) 60ml
  • Caster Sugar 1 tsp
  • Single Cream 15ml
  • A Dash


Add all your ingredients together in a shaker and mix them up until all the ingredients have blended. Top the glass with ice and pour your concoction over it and you’re ready to serve.

Garnish your cocktail with coffee beans or sprinkle some coffee powder

Glassware:Old Fashioned

Black Dog Berry Nice

A subtle fruity twist to your whiskey!


  • Black Dog Black Reserve 60ml
  • Blueberry Jam 2tsp
  • Lime Wedge 2


Begin by muddling your ingredients well, shake well till all ingredients blend together with the liquid and pour over your glass with crushed ice


Garnish your cocktail with mint springs or blueberries (if available)

Glassware:Old Fashioned

Black Dog Blacksmith

It’s all about warm flavors that come together and create harmony.


  • Black Dog Black Reserve 60ml
  • Fresh Mint 5 springs
  • Orange Peel 2
  • Sugar Syrup 10ml
  • Ginger Ale To top


Muddle the mint, orange peel, sugar syrup and the liquid together. Build it up in your glass over ice and top it up with some ginger ale and you’re ready to serve.

Garnish the drink with a slice or orange of the peel

Glassware: Collins

Black Dog Ginger Space

A quick combination of ginger and cucumber with Scotch Whisky that is so refreshing. A drink that won’t disappoint!


  • Black Dog Black Reserve 45ml
  • Ginger Syrup 15ml
  • Lime Wedge 1
  • Thin cucumber slices 2 to 3
  • Soda to top


Shake 45ml of Black Dog Black Reserve well with the ginger syrup and lime wedge, fill your glass with ice and the cucumber slices. Pour the shaken mixture over ice and top the drink with soda.

Garnish the drink with either a cucumber slice or a mint leaf spring and allow a slice of cucumber to float in the glass

Glassware: Collins

So, what are you waiting for? Take that old bottle of whisky gathering dust in the cupboard, and mix yourself and your friends something new and delicious with it.

Do you have any interesting recipes planned for Valentine’s weekend? Do you make something special, or prefer to go out?

Weekend cooking is a meme hosted by Beth Fish Reads. It is open to anyone who has any kind of food-related post to share: Book (novel, nonfiction) reviews, cookbook reviews, movie reviews, recipes, random thoughts, gadgets, fabulous quotations, photographs.wkendcooking

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  1. says: Laurie C

    Love the photo! I would like to go to a whisky tasting. I prefer cocktails to plain whisky, though, and would love to try some of these, especially the coffee one and the apple one! I have some apple cider in the fridge, and think I might try substituting cider for the apple juice in that recipe.

  2. says: Ca4ole

    Nish, Whisky is not my thing but these would work well with brandy I suspect
    Cheers from Carole’s Chatter!

  3. says: debinhawaii

    It sounds like a fun evening. 😉 The cocktail with the cucumber and ginger syrup looks so refreshing. I have become more of a whiskey fan the last few years.

  4. says: BethFishReads

    Wow, they all look delicious and I’d be happy to try each one. The coffee drink is the one I’d turn to first. I love a pretty and tasty whisky cocktail.

    1. says: Nishita

      @sheila_dechantal:disqus I thought so too at first. I am not at all a fan of that whisky taste but these were surprisingly smooth and not strong at all.