Today, the bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish have asked us to list my Top Ten Hyped Books that I haven’t read.


I tend to steer away from books that seem way too popular. It’s been my general experience that I get my hopes very high and then find myself disappointed. I probably will never get to any of these titles listed here, but never say never right? After all, I read (and loved) The Book Thief after swearing up and down to everybody that I am going to hate it.

That said, here’s my list.

  1. The Fault in our Stars by John Green – I know this book has been all over the internet, a movie was made based on it, and though I keep intending to read this sometime, when push comes to shove, I always pick something else.
  2. Paper Towns by John Green – Actually, I should amend this list to say any book by John Green. They all seem to be tremendously popular and I keep telling myself I should give him a try, but somehow it just never happens.
  3. The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins – At the time these books came out, I was just tired of all the YA trilogies floating around, and so never felt inclined to pick these up in spite of all the rave reviews. I know I”ll probably like them if I do read them, but somehow, they now just seem old and dated, and not very interesting.
  4. The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbraith aka J.K.Rowling – I love Rowling’s work and when I heard that she had penned a mystery, I was so stoked to read it. That is, until I read the book blurb, that it was about the murder of a supermodel, which seemed super-boring. And then I read an extremely spoiler-y review that I am still trying to forget. Maybe someday I will read this book, and hopefully I will enjoy it.
  5. The Maze Runner by James Dashner – I haven’t read this book/series, but I plan to and hopefully soon. The premise has always sounded super-interesting to me, and I will be reading these books sooner rather than later.
  6. toptenhyped

  7. Fangirl and/or Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell – Like John Green, I haven’t read any of Rowell’s books. What can I say? Too many books and just too little time to read. That’s the only way I can justify this one.
  8. The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver – This is just awful. I am not sure whether I have read it or not. I do know that I read a Barbara Kingsolver book when I was on vacation a year ago, but I never got that involved in it, don’t even remember its name or its plot, had a total brain fart and never even logged it on the blog.

    Now when I read the book blurb, I am just not sure, and so I don’t pick it up. What if it turned out that I have actually read the book? Who wants to reread a so-so book only to find out midway that aha, you already know what’s up. And does this happen to you too? Please tell me I am not the only one >.< .

  9. A Discovery of Witches and its sequels by Deborah Harkness – This is definitely something I have to remedy. I do want to make sure I am in the right mood though to really immerse myself into this chunkster.
  10. The Immortals of Meluha by Amish Tripathy – I mentioned in this vlog that this series is tremendously popular here in India. Again, like The Hunger Games trilogy, I feel like I have missed the boat on this one and don’t feel inclined to even give it a try at this point.
  11. Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg – Everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY I know is talking about this book. I sometimes feel like I am not serious enough about my career. Otherwise, I would have read this book, right?

So these are the top ten hyped books that I haven’t read. Did you notice how many of these books are part of a series? I think that’s why I hesitate to start. It’s such a commitment to read three or more books in a series.

What hyped book have you decided to skip, or are waiting to read?

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  1. says:

    You should definitely try John Green. He is now one of my fav authors and TFIOS is just too awesome. I liked Hunger Games too but I read only the first part. I felt it was too violent. Maze Runner was good, you should read it. And Lean in too! I found it motivational and inspiring. Rest of the books on your list on my to-read list 🙂

  2. Oh, I had to clasp my hands together when I got to the Rainbow Rowell part of the list. I just reread Eleanor and Park last night and loved it all over again. You should prioritize that one. It’s aces.

    1. says: Nishita

      @readingtheend:disqus If you say so, I should 🙂 . Your recommendations have always worked for me.

  3. says: natasha stander

    That is a great list! I can definitely recommend Hunger Games, The Fault in Our Stars and Eleanor and Park. I know they are very popular right now, but it is with a good reason. Eleanor and Park might just be on my favorite books ever list!

    1. says: Nishita

      @natashastander:disqus OK, definitely adding these to my must read list. Not sure when I”ll get to them though. So many books, just not enough time to read them all!