Five Things You Can Cook in a Slow Cooker

Chef Pepin Oval Slow Cooker
Chef Pepin Oval Slow Cooker

While slow cookers are useful for cooking a healthy dinner with least effort, they can also be used to prepare other things. A slow cooker has its uses in cooking anything whether it be breakfast and lunch, or cakes and party dishes.

For some of the most unusual slow cooker recipes, read on.

Did you know your slow cooker can make oatmeal?

That’s right; slow cookers can be used to cook up the most delicious oatmeal. All you need to do is place some oats, milk and seasoning into your slow cooker when you get up – make sure to turn the dial to low. By the time you’ve had your shower and are ready to eat, your breakfast should be cooked to perfection.

As well as making plain oatmeal, a slow cooker can also be used to create some unique flavors, such as strawberry, pumpkin and chocolate. All you need to do is add your desired flavoring to the oats before cooking and voilà, you have the perfect breakfast.

Did you know you can cook jacket potatoes in your slow cooker?

As well as being able to create standard casserole dishes, like lamb casserole, slow cookers can also cook perfect jacket potatoes. All you need to do is place the potatoes in the slow cooker before you leave for work and turn it on to the lowest setting.

By the time you get home from work a few hours later, your potatoes will be cooked to perfection. All you will need to do is slice them in half, mash in some butter and top with your favorite toppings.

You can even cook pasta in your slow cooker.

Whilst you can use your slow cooker to make pasta, a pasta dish can’t be left on all day – it’s more of an afternoon recipe. So, it wouldn’t be any good for a work day. However, slow cook pasta is delicious and definitely worth a try.

There are so many slow cooker pasta recipes to choose from, but out of all of them, slow-cook macaroni cheese and slow cook tomato pasta bake are the nicest. Plus, they are simple and take no time to make.

Have you ever heard of slow-cooked apple crumble?

You can even use your slow cooker to make a delicious apple crumble dessert. All you need to do is peel and chop some cooking apples and place them into your slow cooker, add in brown sugar, sultanas, rolled oats, caramel sauce and some water.

This simple recipe won’t have a crunchy topping like a usual crumble. Instead, the topping is mixed in with the apple pieces.

After a few hours, when the apple is completely cooked, serve with vanilla ice cream, custard or cream.

Did you know you can use a crock pot to cook chocolate brownies?

Brownies are one of the simplest dessert recipes you can cook in your slow cooker. All you need to do is mix up a batch of your favorite brownie batter, preferably made from scratch, line your slow cooker with greaseproof paper and pour in the batter.

For best results cook the brownies on low for three to four hours.

What do you cook in your slow cooker?

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  1. says: Julie S.

    I’m new to slow cooker cooking, but wow I didn’t know you could do all that. I really need to start using mine more.