Introducing the Spread the Love Linky Party


I have been participating in April’s Spread the Love linky party for a number of months now, and have discovered a number of great posts and blogs through this link-up.

April’s moving on to bigger and better things, and so the link-up has now moved here.

How it works: Basically, you pick one of your favorite posts, from the past week or even earlier, and link up. Go check out some of the other interesting posts featured in the link-up.

I’ll feature the most clicked-on link the following week. And you can grab a button to help Spread the Love and brag if you’ve been featured, too!

[inlinkz_linkup id=469852 mode=1]

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  1. Glad to see it living on! Are you going to have a MailChimp mailing list for this as well? That was usually the only reason I remembered to participate. :/

    1. says: Nishita

      @bookbumblings:disqus Yes, I do have one. Are you already on it? I am still figuring out how to integrate with WordPress and have a sign up page. I got the sign-up widget working well, but I am wondering whether a sign up page will work better. I probably need to read some of your blogging-related posts 😀