Party Photos + A Little Whining

Things haven’t been going great lately. In fact, this year so far has been a terrible, no good, very bad year, with each month packing one unpleasant surprise after another.

At such times, it is pleasant indeed to have an afternoon off from troubles and just enjoy a lovely party.

Piglet was invited for his friend’s second birthday party and Snubnose decided to gatecrash. Of course she did, it’s a party and that’s something Snubnose has never been able to resist – never mind that she knows no one, she was feeling unwell, and that it was full of toddlers and babies, Snubnose still managed to have a whale of a time.

Snubnose busied herself with some art work and then enthusiastically threw herself into the party games
Snubnose busied herself with some art work and then enthusiastically threw herself into the party games

This was Piglet’s first fancy-schmancy party and I think he was caught a little off-guard. When the music started and the girls started dancing, Piglet stood stock still in the middle of the circle just gawking at everyone.

Piglet's minimalist dancing style
Piglet’s minimalist dancing style

He did later make some feeble attempts to shake a leg before giving up and continuing to gape with mouth wide open. At some point, his finger may have gone into his nose – a Piglet standard when he doesn’t quite know what to do.

Once the jumping games started though, Piglet was in his element scorning my helping hand and doing all his jumps by himself.

He then spent the rest of the evening playing on the slides and the merry-go-round with his friends.

On the slides
Loving the slide

In reality, Piglet hates merry-go-rounds, he is never comfortable and never stays on for more than a couple of rounds. But he was willing to climb on this one and he even struck a nice pose 🙂 .

On the merry-go-round
Giving a dude pose on the merry-go-round

The theme of the party was rainbows and everything was perfectly coordinated – the decorations, the food, the games, the cake, everything was perfect. The party planners (Hourglass Events) really did an awesome job and brought lots of smiles and laughter to all our faces that day.

Lot of yummy snacks on hand
Lot of yummy snacks on hand keeping the rainbow theme in mind

It was a great party!

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  1. I love the party decors! So colorful and bright! I loved that bit about Piglet’s dancing 🙂 Hope you had fun! I hope things will get better for you soon! Be strong 🙂

    1. says: Nishita

      @fiveeyedbookworm:disqus I took these party planners number for future reference. After that party Piglet has started busting out a few moves at home.

      He’s really not that coordinated so it’s fun to watch him try 🙂

  2. says: dreamzandclouds

    I love the dude pose of Piglet 🙂
    Snubnose seems to be feeling better now 🙂

    1. says: Nishita

      @dreamzandclouds yes, she is a bit better. She’s been having a bit of a rough time of late, but hoping that with a lot of rest during these summer hols she will be back to full form 🙂

      This photo of Piglet’s is one of my favorites. He’s really showing a lot of personality and attitude these days, and I love that we could capture it in a photo finally 🙂

  3. says: Laavanya S.

    Hope things take a turn for the better.
    It seems like forever and a half since I visited your blog; and it was a bit surprising to see Snubnose and Piglet a lot older. I just didn’t realize it’s been a good number of months.
    Can I say I would’ve loved that party?!

    1. says: Nishita

      @laavanyas:disqus time flies I guess. Sometimes I look at them and wonder how they grew up so fast 🙂

  4. says: Jenny @ Reading the End

    Ugh, I’m sorry it’s being one of those years for y’all. I’ll say a prayer for your 2014 to turn around and become awesome. And I’m glad the kids had fun at the party — Piglet looks very patient in that picture with the merry-go-round.

    1. says: Nishita

      @Jenny @ Reading the End thanks so much, Jenny. I started off the year hoping 2014 will be better than 2013, then it went downhill so badly, now I have pinned my hopes to June and I think (hope) that the second half goes better than the first.

      Isn’t it funny how we look for logical dividers to understand our lives?