Art Walls

Gosh, I feel like I have turned this blog into a home decor site. Ever since I got more active on Pinterest, it feels like every house is beautiful but mine 🙁 . Do you feel that same way too after a Pinterest browsing session? I have a whole bunch of wonderful art work done by the Snubnose and I’ve put up some of them around the house, but I got stuck halfway when I realized two things:

  1. Her work is so varied – some bright, some dull, some Indian, some European, some small, some huge. It’s hard for me to figure out how to arrange them in the house.
  2. She is getting better and better by the day, so it makes sense for me to hold off framing the current stuff when I know something more beautiful is coming through the pipeline.

So basically, I’ve been in wait and watch mode. Not that I haven’t framed up anything yet, I handpicked a few of our favorites (these ones – here, here, and here) and put them up.

But now, after seeing these lovely images that I found on the architects Sawyer | Berson‘s web site, I am thinking I should forget about design inconsistencies and just paper the walls with her stuff (especially when I see the children’s rooms below).

I am inspired to create an art wall in my house now
I am inspired to create an art wall in my house now
Another shot of the art wall in the living room
Another shot of the art wall in the living room
Love the colorful art in the kiddy rooms
Love the colorful art in the kiddy rooms
Another shot of the kiddy room
Another shot of the kiddy room

Of course, this could have been easily achieved if we had gone with plain white or cream-colored walls for Snubnose’s room. Unfortunately, Snubnose wanted pink walls and doting daddy obliged in spite of my disapproval, and so I need to think how to create an art wall when it has a pink background.

I am tempted for now to ditch the pink art wall in Snubnose’s room and instead take over one wall of our study room and turn it into a gallery. Unfortunately there’s a lot of contention for that wall. K wants to put up a projector and project sports games and stuff on that wall. I am ping-ponging between a library shelf and an art wall, and I am sure my FIL has some other ideas in store as well.

Hmm, let’s see what we end up doing eventually. I think I might end up getting a gallery wall, simply because that is the cheapest design option on hand 😉 .

And oh, I am just dying over that cute pink striped cloud pillow in the right hand side of that last photo. If I hadn’t just gotten Piglet a whale pillow recently, I would have totally tracked down and bought a cloud pillow. I may still do that for Snubnose 😉 .

What do you do to decorate large wall spaces?

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  1. says: dreamzandclouds

    omg! i love these (bookmarking the post, will use it in my future home 😛 )

    1. says: Nishita

      @dreamzandclouds: i love the way everything is coordinated so perfectly – the colors, the uniformity of the frames, the paintings itself. The children’s room artwork goes so perfectly with the curtains and the bed-sheets.

      1. says: dreamzandclouds

        I know Nishita, its perfect! 🙂
        I wish we could have white homes in India….its so difficult to maintain one here :/

  2. I think art on a pink wall could work great. White frames and mats to help it pop from the wall? Oh, and I was just reading the comments and I love the clipboard idea. That could work on pink walls, too, depending on the color of the clipboard and clipboards are cheaper than frames!

    1. says: Nishita

      @joyweesemoll:disqus The reason I hesitate is I am very bad at color co-ordination. A neutral background is so much easier to put up stuff of all colors, especially because her art is so eclectic. I like your idea of white frames and mats, maybe that will work, let me frame them and see.

      Thanks for the suggestion 🙂

  3. Those are some gorgeous design ideas. I’m ashamed to say that the idea of framing and hanging The Girl’s work gallery style hadn’t even occurred to me, just the other day my husband observed the piles of artwork The Girl seems to generate from school – my suggestion was to start sending them off to the relatives. 🙂 This seems like a much better solution. 🙂

    …and yes, Pinterest makes me feel that way too.

    Thanks for linking up with Spread the Love!

    1. says: Nishita

      @aprilthesteadfastreader:disqus You are lucky to have a girl who wouldn’t mind her art work being passed on to relatives. My daughter would be nothing less than crushed if we did that 🙂

      To be honest, it’s just not practical to keep each and every thing that kids do. These days, they seem to bring so much stuff back from schools.

  4. says: Jenny @ Reading the End

    I’m trying to sort out a gallery wall in my apartment right now! I’ve got loads of pictures and am just working out how to get them all in frames and up on the wall. I may for the time being do that thing I’m always seeing on Pinterest where you clip things to a bunch of clipboards and hang up the clipboards; that way you can swap things out whenever you want. It looks kind of cool, I think!

    1. says: Nishita

      @Jenny @ Reading the End Oh, I haven’t seen that one. Sounds like a great idea. I don’t have to worry too much about frames and sizing.

  5. says:

    Art wall in snubnose’s room sounds like a very good idea. I guess even on pink walls you can still put up frames by putting her art work inside a white frame. I am loving your home decor posts. 🙂

    1. says: Nishita Aah, I don’t know Ava, it’s a particularly mithai shade of pink, and I dislike it so much 🙁

  6. says: veens

    I swear.. i would be in this SAME delimma if I had to be in your place. And once everything is decided and done, the feeling that there was a better idea out there, I could have done… and more loL!
    I really like those art walls… Why not use frames, which can be opened and you can change those art- works as new masterpieces are created? I am sure it would be expensive BUT won’t it be nice? Just a thought though 🙂

    1. says: Nishita

      @veens:disqus the issue is each of Snubnose’s art works is in a different size, she does not keep to any standard size at all. I have put frames, but it’s hard to change up still 🙁