Top Ten Tuesdays: Popular Authors I’ve Never Read

Today, the bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish have asked us to list the Top Ten Popular Authors We’ve Never Read.


This is an interesting meme, and I am sure I could easily make more than 10. I tend to not read trending books, or hugely popular ones, not because of snobbery, but when I know a lot about a book before I read it, I tend to lose interest in actually reading the book, if you know what I mean.

So here comes a list of authors who every book blogger has probably read but I’ve yet to get to.

  1. Suzanne Collins. I haven’t touched The Hunger Games trilogy yet. At first, the hype over these books was totally off-putting. I had earlier given in to the Twilight hype and then bitterly regretted it and I didn’t feel in the mood for reading more YA. However, many serious bloggers have thought highly of the books, so I may just read them this year. Or maybe not
  2. Cassandra Clare. This writer is also YA and I am just not into that these days. There’s just way too many similar writers and series books going on for me to keep up. It’s much easier to give them all a miss.
  3. Nicholas Sparks. I’m not into sentimental reads. Everything I’ve read about his books on the internet have convinced me that his books will just not be my style.
  4. Stephen Chbosky. OK, his only book is The Perks of Being a Wallflower and I don’t know why I haven’t read it because it sounds like a nice book. Probably something to add to my TBR list.
  5. JoJo Moyes. She is currently one of the hot authors on this planet. I see her books featured on almost every blog I know, but I’ve never actually gotten around to reading her books.
  6. And the same goes for John Green. I do want to read his books, but some of them sound so so sad (I am thinking about the kids with cancer one). If you know some upbeat books by him you can recommend, let me know in the comments.
  7. Liane Moriarty. I am dying, just dying to read The Husband’s Secret by her, but I have such a huge TBR list already that I know I won’t be able to get to it anytime soon. But she’s an author I plan to read pretty soon.
  8. Donna Tartt. Another well-reviewed author whose books I’ve never been able to get to. Sigh! Someday I will.
  9. Hillary Mantel. A two-time Man Booker winner who writes about the Tudor era? I should have read these books, they are right up my alley, but I never got around to reading it so far.
  10. Kate Atkinson. I first heard about her when Life After Life erupted all over the blogosphere. At the time I thought this was her début only to realize she’s written many other well-regarded books as well and I hope to get to her books someday.

So which are the popular authors you’ve given a miss? And why?

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  1. says: Elizabeth Joseph

    I have read Nicholas Sparks, Jojo Moyes and Suzanne Collins. I have plans to read John Green this year.

    Me Before You by Jojo Moyes is good, but it is also a tear-jerker. I loved it nevertheless 🙂

  2. says: Cleo

    I’ve never read John Green either although I think I would like them, I just haven’t got around to it. I do think you would enjoy Jojo Moyes as all her books are quite different. It’s so hard when the TBR is like a mountain to get around to all the books I’d like to read!

    1. says: Nishita

      @disqus_mUBrEiIQ5D:disqus Yes, it’s doubly difficult because I rely on the library a lot and a lot of the popular books aren’t available and I really don’t want to buy books without actually knowing I will love them first.

  3. says: Jenny @ Reading the End

    Paper Towns is quite good by John Green! That’s the one I think I would recommend of his. I think you’re fine skipping Cassandra Clare — I read one of her books and thought it was both dull and derivative.

    1. says: Nishita

      @Jenny@Reading the End glad to know I’m not missing anything by skipping Cassandra Clare.

  4. says: Didi B.

    I share a few of these, but the only ones on this list that mean anything to me are Donna Tartt, Hillary Mantel,, and Kate Atkinson. I have plans to pick up the Goldfinch and The Secret History this year.

    1. says: Nishita

      @didib:disqus same here. Those are the books I really want to find the time to read.

  5. says:

    Try “An Abundance of Katherines” by John Green. It is lot of fun and not sad at all. I love all books by John Green. And his books are not very sad and depressing. They are pretty cheerful, even though they make you cry sometimes at the end.

    Same goes with Nicholas Sparks. I hate sentimental books but his books are different. I simply love them. Maybe you should give them a try.
    And how can you miss Hunger games series?! Please read them this year. I only read the first book and gave up (because of violence) but they are really brilliant.

    1. says:

      And I did not like “The perks of being a wallflower”.

      1. says: Nishita Hmm, looks like I need to modify my TBR then. Thanks for the reccos 🙂

  6. says: Bookmammal

    I’m reading my first Jojo Moyes book right now–Me Before You–and am really enjoying it. I’m sure I’ll read more from Moyes in the future. I really liked Donna Tartt’s first two books, but I’ve got to say that Goldfinch intimidates me!