King’s March


For the past couple of months a giant-sized tome has been giving me the dirty look from the back of my bookshelf. The book in question is Under the Dome by Stephen King.

Some madness got into me when I borrowed this book from the library, and now I just am not motivated enough to immerse myself into this one. Weighing in at a whopping 1072 pages, I need all the help I can get to finish this book.

When I learnt about King’s March – a Stephen King reading fest that is hosted by a couple of book bloggers, I knew that this was the only way I could do it.

Hopefully, one whole month devoted to Under the Dome will do the trick. If I do 250 pages a week, then it will be a reasonably paced challenge. And of course, Stephen King is extremely readable so I don’t really expect it to be a tedious slog.

And that’s my reading plan for March.

So, would anyone like to join in with me on this? If there is any Stephen King book that you have been putting off on reading, why don’t you sign up? March has 31 days so it means you get an extra day to finish the book of your choice 😉 .

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  1. Pingback: King’s March Link-Up #2 | Wensend
  2. says: Five-Eyed Bookworm

    Being a Stephen King fan, I am very tempted to join this one but I’m not sure if I can as I’m too busy at the moment. I want to read The Stand soon. I haven’t read Under the Dome yet but it’s in my TBR list. Hope you enjoy reading it 🙂

    1. says: Nishita

      @fiveeyedbookworm:disqus yes, I like it a lot, but it’s very long. I am in a 100 pages already but feel like I just started on it.

  3. says: Piyush Chourasia

    I will join in, with Salem’s Lot. I also have an online group read of The Stand (spread over 3 months), later this year.

    1. says: Nishita

      @piyushchourasia:disqus You have a group read of The Stand? Is it online or with friends?

      1. says: Piyush Chourasia

        I did manage to read Salem’s Lot in March.

        The Stand group read is online, though on LibraryThing, not on any of the blogs. It would be quite difficult for me to persuade the RL Bookclub I am a member of to a) Read a Stephen King book b) Read a book, as voluminous as The Stand. c) Combination of a) and b)!

        1. says: Nishita

          @piyushchourasia:disqus your book club doesn’t like Stephen King? his books are voluminous but quite easy to get through.

  4. Wait. King’s March? That sounds just too good to resist, there’s always some or the other Stephen King book on my TBR shelf, anyway! Thanks for that. 🙂 Also, I’m sure you’ll enjoy Under the Dome, it’s quick once you get started. I read it last year for the “Dome”along. (How do people come up with these names?)

    1. says: Nishita

      @priyatabularasa:disqus haha, I like the name Dome Along better. Glad to know it’s fast moving.

  5. says: Anjana

    Nish, I had the same experience with Vikram Seth’s, Suitable Boy. It’s beautifully written and was gifted by a dear friend. I dived in with gusto but could not sustain the momentum. Now it lies half read. So I think I’ll take your inspiration and try to finish it in March 🙂

    1. says: Nishita

      @Anjana I don’t have the guts to try A Suitable Boy. To be honest, the whole story idea never caught on.