There’s a lot of book cover news floating around the interwebs these days, and while normally I don’t talk much about book covers, there are a few interesting ones of late that I thought of sharing with you.

First up, and I am sorry if I am boring you with my obsession with A Song of Ice and Fire books, but I just can’t help it. This series is probably one of the hottest things going on right now, and I love the books so much that I just have to pass on every bit of news I stumble upon about them.

The latest is that a reprint of these books are coming out soon (and about time I say). I have collected the new cover images below and while I like them all right, I can’t help feeling they don’t give the right picture about the contents of the books. I mean, where are the dragons, the kings, the hot princesses? That’s what I would love to see.

Here’s the first book in the series.

A Game of Thrones by George R.R.Martin
A Game of Thrones

And here are the rest of the books.

A Clash of Kings and A Storm of Swords
A Clash of Kings and A Storm of Swords (parts 1 and 2)
A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons
A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons (parts 1 and 2)

What do you think of these covers? I am particularly meh about that desert cover for A Clash of Kings. I don’t even remember a desert being mentioned in the book, so why is it on the cover?

A cover I love and that I spotted on Sam’s blog is the cover for Murakami’s upcoming new book – COLORLESS TSUKURU TAZAKI AND HIS YEARS OF PILGRIMAGE.


That’s such an interesting title and cover. I know next to nothing about the book and I still desperately want to get my hands on it (in hard cover).

Another set of interesting covers are the new covers that were revealed one by one for the Percy Jackson series of books by Rick Riordan on Facebook. I read the first book in the series, thought it was fun, but never really got around to reading the other books.

I am hoping the new awesome covers might give me some motivation to finish up the rest of the books.

Aren't the new Percy Jackson covers smashing?
Aren’t the new Percy Jackson covers smashing?

Which new covers have you been impressed with lately?

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  1. says: readingtheend

    I say “meh” to the Game of Thrones covers. I liked the original ones better. #curmudgeon

  2. says: Stefanie Hollmichel

    The desert cover doesn’t work fro me either. The Game of Thrones cover is pretty good though. It screams winter is coming! 😉

    1. says: Nishita

      @stefaniehollmichel:disqus Oh, yes. I love that expanse of icy whiteness. It’s a beautiful cover.

    1. says: Nishita

      @Avada too childish? I liked the first book a lot but never went further

  3. says:

    oooh.. these new GOT covers look fab. Btw finally I finished all the 5 books. Ending indeed was left hanging.. can’t wait for the 6th book now. What happened to Jon Snow, Dany, Cersei, Meereen.. so many questions on my mind!

    1. says: Nishita

      @Avada I know, the last book ends on such a cliff-hanger. More than everyone else, I want to know what happens to Davos and does he find Rickon, and what the hell was happening in Winterfell? It was so chaotic, I still can’t place together everything that happened there in my mind.

      And Aegon…that too. He just came out of nowhere.

      Interesting stuff!

      1. says: Avada Kedavra

        Yeah I want to know if Stannis really died?! I doubt that. I have a feeling that he will win the war this time.

        1. says: Nishita

          @Avada Kedavra I don’t think he will die offstage like that but I think he”ll probably die in the next book. I am hoping that for after that Renly affair I am totally against him.

  4. says: BookerTalk

    I must be one of the few people on the planet that has not read Game of Thrones. I’m wondering if the new titles are an attempt to target an adult market or am I wrong in thinking they were originally marketed as YA??

    1. says: Nishita

      @BookerTalk Oh, I don’t think they could have been marketed as YA. There’s a lot of adult content in it. I have a feeling these new covers could be an attempt to target more literary readers but I could be wrong. I have no idea how publishers plan this stuff.

  5. says: Meghan

    I also need to finish the Percy Jackson series! I read 3 of them, really enjoyed them, but never continued for some reason.

    Not a huge fan of the Song of Ice and Fire new covers either. Landscapes don’t convey fantasy very well. I mean, they’re pretty photos, but I wouldn’t pick up books with those covers from the shelf in a bookstore.

    1. says: Nishita

      @disqus_WI8jcsJfyE:disqus I am with you on landscapes and Fantasy. I don’t mind the icy landcape on A Game of Thrones because the Wall and beyond is a huge aspect of the books. But the rest of the landcapes are just blah.

      1. says:

        Very true. I would prefer a dragon instead of these landscapes on the books.

    1. says: Nishita

      @JudithLeeswammes:disqus I read your review using Google Translate. The book sounds good and the Dutch cover is awesome too 🙂

  6. Oh you must catch up on the rest of the Percy Jackson series; they really are terrific. Not Harry Potter levels of terrific but bucketloads of fun nonetheless!

    1. says: Nishita

      @parinitashetty:disqus I know, I should. I thought The Lightning Thief was fantastic but for some reason I jumped ship to Riordan’s Egypt series, which wasn’t half as good in my opinion.