Why is it so Hard to Photo the Piglet?

He totally hates getting clicked. I literally have to hide the phone (forget camera, he spots that a mile away) behind my back, and sneak up to him to get a shot.

This weekend, I managed to sneak up on him quietly enough to get the first click. His instinctive smile was quickly followed by a huge howl of protest, and then by a quiet period once I handed the mobile phone to him. You can still see a tear in his left eye in the last photo though.

Piglet's many moods
Piglet’s many moods

Apart from being photographed, here are some other things he hates:

  • Brushing his teeth. He’s a little better these days, however he won’t allow me to use a brush. Only my finger is allowed, and if I go anywhere close to his molars I end up getting badly bitten.
  • Wearing shoes and socks. He’s literally torn his socks into two in his anger. Thankfully, he has adjusted to wearing them to school.
  • Cutting his nails or his hair

Gah! Piglet, why do you have to make things so difficult for yourself and for me?

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  1. says: Sweety

    He’s cute!! My niece hates it when we touch her hair.. And she is 1.5 yrs old!!

    1. says: Nishita

      @disqus_POBj1jk1qj:disqus Tut tut. Kids these days, I swear. Full of attitude 🙂

  2. says: Indrani

    Truly cute captures, but I can understand what you must be going through to get him do the basics. 🙂

    1. says: Nishita

      @disqus_wzUU7cCOfh:disqus every morning is drama time getting the kids ready for school 🙂

  3. says: readingtheend

    Hahahaha, awww. Sympathies for the socks and shoes thing — when my sister and her best friend were very small, they would take their shoes and socks off anywhere. Grocery store, parking lot, didn’t matter, if you turned your back on them for an instant, their socks and shoes would be off. I guess bare feet just feel more pleasant!

    1. says: Nishita

      @readingtheend:disqus I understand his feelings about bare feet. But doing that outdoors is simply too yucky for me 🙁

  4. says: veens

    You know there was this very similar phase with Aarya where he would want the phone or camera, the minute I went clicking 😀 I could never get a decent pic 🙂 And he hated brushing, putting on shoes … yada yada yada… I promise this is a phase, and he will be out of it, in his own sweet time… not soon … but 🙂 Been there… hated it… now out of it… and now there are other challenges 😀 Like the goofy faces, and martial arts pics – all my images are such a blur… when I just want a DECENT pic :-/ Have you noticed, he is never looking at me in any of my pics? that’s because that’s the only time I get an un-goofed up face lol! But I totally adore that 1st pic…. such a sweet little face 🙂

    1. says: Nishita

      @veens:disqus you give me hope 🙂 Last week I took him to the parlour for haircut. He brought the house down with his yelling and wriggling. I just can’t wait for him to grow out of this phase.