Gone Girl – A First Look

Here’s a juicy update for fans of the book Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. This book made my top 6 books of the year list in 2013 and I have been avidly waiting for news of the movie.

Here’s a cover of Entertainment Weekly featuring the stars Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike.

Entertainment Weekly Movie Cover Featuring the Gone Girl Stars
Entertainment Weekly Movie Cover Featuring the Gone Girl Stars

Two interesting facts:

  1. The cover of this magazine, which I think is really well-shot and reflects the spirit of the movie, is by David Fincher – the director of the movie
  2. Apparently, if you go by the accompanying article, they have probably meddled quite a bit with the plot.

At first, I was like, how could they change-up the plot of the book? Then it started to make sense. What’s the point of watching a thriller movie when you already know what’s going to happen? I never did like the ending in the book, and I am curious to see if the movie has an alternate ending.

Are you interested in the movie? Would you prefer it to be faithful to the book, or take liberties with the plot?

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    1. says: Nishita

      @veens:disqus it is. Have you read the book? I thought it reflected the story in quite an intriguing way

      1. says: veens

        Oh No! Not yet! May be I will get back to reading in 2020 😀 I have no idea how you do it though.. you are an inspiration 🙂

  1. says: Five-Eyed Bookworm

    I have not read Gone Girl but I plan to do that before I watch the movie. The magazine cover looks interesting.

    1. says: Nishita

      @fiveeyedbookworm:disqus yes, you should read the book. It’s interesting – people either hate it or love it. I like the idea of the ending being tweaked for the movie. With this book, I can see the possibilities, plus I like the idea of watching something with a little suspense wondering how it will turn out in the end.

  2. says: Avada Kedavra

    I didn’t really like the book that much, mainly because of the predictable story and ending. I might like the movie if they change the ending.

    1. says: Nishita

      @Avada Kedavra: Yeah, I remember you mentioning you didn’t like the book much. Maybe the movie will be better

  3. says: Didi B.

    Well now that the movie is coming out, I might have to step up reading the book. I usually don’t like when too many liberties are taken with the script, but sometimes that has a lot to do with the storyline. I’m definitely interested in reading it and in seeing what Fincher and Affleck are going to do with it. The cover of Entertainment magazine is certainly selling the movie very well.

    1. says: Nishita

      @didib:disqus You should read the book. It’s a good psychological thriller. I loved it except for the end where (I feel), it went a little off course.

  4. says: bermudaonion(Kathy)

    I am interested in the movie but I do want it to stay loyal to the plot. Otherwise, why keep the same name? I’m trying to figure out what the picture on the cover of the magazine means.

    1. says: Nishita

      @bermudaonion_kathy:disqus Oh, I do want it to stay true to the plot for the most part. I would just like a tweak or two to surprise me, that’s all 🙂 I think the book’s main strength was it’s ability to surprise.