My First Top Ten Tuesday – Best Books of 2013 so far

I have always enjoyed reading about but never actually attempted these top ten memes because my distracted brain can never think of ten of anything.

But today, the bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish have asked us to list the Top Ten Books we read so far in 2013. I’ve read some AWESOME books this year, and for once, there is enough quantity of books for me to make a meaningful top ten list. So here goes, but watch out for some repetition as a few many of these books are part of a series.

The best books of 2013 so far

In no particular order, here are my top ten books of the first half of 2013:

  1. A Game of Thrones by George R.R.Martin – I did warn you about the repetition earlier didn’t I? All the books from GRRM’s A Song of Ice and Fire make my mid-year top ten list. I suspect they may also appear in my 2013 year-end top ten list. Yes, I love these books that much :).
  2. A Clash of Kings by George R.R.Martin – Memorable for the final battle chapters in King’s Landing. Battle scenes usually bore me, but this battle was incredible and visual. I could see it unfolding in my mind’s eye. This is typical of his writing style – very dramatic, passionate, and really fires up all the emotions.
  3. A Storm of Swords by George R.R.Martin – This is the best book in the series and the one that broke my heart all at the same time. Ironically, it’s so good that when I reread all the books again recently, I skipped this one because I didn’t want to face the trauma of the Red Wedding.
  4. A Feast for Crows by George R.R.Martin – This is probably the weakest book in the series, and I didn’t enjoy it much when I first read it. But on the second read, I loved it a lot. It’s a more subtle and subdued book than the others, but that made me appreciate it all the more.
  5. A Dance with Dragons by George R.R.Martin – Phew, we are finally done with George R.R.Martin, and I can finally focus on books by other authors :D. But seriously, these books are that good. They took me out of my regular humdrum world and dropped me into a fantastical, magical, and brutal world populated by some well-written characters. I am officially a GRRM fangirl now.
  6. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer – Like I mentioned in my review, one of the saddest books I read, but also incredibly well-written and touching.
  7. One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez – It’s a classic, incredibly absorbing; enough said. A must-read.
  8. Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami – Bizarre and entertaining. A fantastic read and one of the year’s surprise packages for me.
  9. The Enchantress of Florence by Salman Rushdie – Because I love Rushdie’s writing, that’s why 🙂
  10. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn – I haven’t posted a review of this book yet on my blog. It didn’t work well enough as a thriller, and parts of the book are a little uneven, but it’s a great social commentary on marriage and dating. It’s incredibly dark and twisted and funny at the same time, and I love it despite everything. I have posted some teasers here and here.

What does your top ten book list look like? Do share 🙂

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  1. I am currently reading A Feast Of Crows and yes it is slightly slow. I started reading it on my ipad and got thoroughly confused and on an e-reader it’s such a pain to go back and forth. Now I’ve started the paperback version and enjoying it. The Red Wedding had me in tears and I still have not recovered from it !

    1. says: Nish

      @The Greedy Reader: Yes, this book is slow. I didn’t like it as much as the others. But I loved the focus on Jaime and Cersei…they are fun to read about. Brienne, though is boring. What are your favorite parts in the series so far?

      1. Daenerys and Tyrion are two of my favourite characters and so I love any scene that includes them. As for the most memorable part till now, the Red Wedding eclipses everything else. Another character who tugs at my heart is Arya, maybe because she’s my daughter’s age. Torn away from her family at such a young age and her never-ceasing search for them is heart wrenching.

        1. says: Nish

          @Anjana: My heart broke for her when she comes so close to her mother and brother only to find out they are being massacred inside. Worst was when Sandor threw the axe at her. For a moment, I thought he killed her ~

                1. says: Nish

                  @Anjana: Hmm, must check if I get that channel or not. I think I only get HBO. Thanks for the info 🙂

        2. says: Kim

          I repeat the words of a friend, to her twelve year old children.
          “I am glad to have lived this long, for now I know you’ll be all right.”
          (she lost both her parents at the age of 12, and worked as a seamstress in the orphanage)

  2. says: Alice Teh

    I really liked that last sentence in your teaser: And if all of us are play-acting, there can be no such thing as a soul mate, because we don’t have genuine souls.

  3. says: jenn aka the picky girl

    I know it’s horrible, but I just don’t want to start such a big series! But I know everyone loves it so maybe one day…

    1. says: Nish

      @Jenny: It is a big series and if you haven’t started, I’d recommend waiting till the next book or two is out. The author takes a long time between books and as a reader you are kinda left hanging.

    1. says: Nish

      @Loni: Same comment I made to Jenn applies to you as well 🙂 Recommend waiting till the next book is out at least. Hopefully sometime next year