A Visit from the Secret Santa

Secret Santa Exchange
Secret Santa Exchange
This post is a little dated. Secret Santa actually visited a week before Christmas and gave us some wonderful goodies.

In my wishlist, I had mentioned George R.R.Martin’s A Song of Fire and Ice series, and I was super-thrilled to receive the 2nd book in the series – A Clash of Kings. I haven’t read the first one, was pretty intimidated by the size, but as I skimmed through this book, I realized the writing is very readable and engaging, and I am now on the hunt for the first book – A Game of Thrones. Seeing the size and the addictive nature of the books in this series, I think I can easily keep myself occupied the whole of 2013!!

Apart from this book, my Secret Santa Anjana also sent me these wonderful stickers, which I promptly presented to the snubnose. She is super-thrilled with the stickers and the Hello Kitty ones are already up on her bedroom walls.

Happiness stickers for the snubnose

And here is my book with a sweet message

Thanks so much Anjana for the presents. It was an awesome surprise. And also a huge thank you to The Broke and the Bookish for organizing such a super-duper Secret Santa event so well.

So, did you participate in any Secret Santa exchange this year? What did you give? What did you get?

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  1. says: Jenny

    Love the stickers! What a great Secret Santa gift.

    The only Secret Santa I did this year was one I organized! I set it up at work so that eighteen of us did a Book Secret Santa, and I received one of Emma Donohue’s earlier books. It was lovely! And I think everybody had fun.

  2. Happy new year, Nish, here’s to a much better year than 2012! Ah, I love the Song of Ice and Fire series, can’t wait for the next installment to come out! I hope you’ll enjoy them as much as I did đŸ™‚ And those stickers are so cute! How thoughtful to include them for Snubnose!

  3. NIshita, I’m glad that your daughter liked the stickers . I so wanted to get the first book in the series, but just couldn’t get my hands on one. A big thank you for pointing me towards the Secret Santa exchange. I loved both the books that you sent. It’s a long time since I got a gift by post and it felt so good đŸ™‚

    1. says: Nish

      @Anjana: Thanks so much again, and glad you liked the books. I hope they reached in time though, Flipkart took ages to deliver them here, and then there was the second posting to your place, so I was tense wondering if the parcel would reach you in time.