Rest in Peace: MIL

Some of you know that my mother-in-law was seriously ill for the last couple of months. She seemed to be getting better last month, but unfortunately, it was short-lived. She slipped into a coma and passed away on Oct 30th.

We are all trying to come to terms with the loss and focus on completing all the formalities that are associated with death, and get on with our lives.

I was looking for a photo of hers and came across this one taken a couple of years ago. Because of her ill-health (she hasn’t been in good form for many years now), she was not always cheerful, but the snubnose could always elicit smiles and laughter from her with all her silly pranks.

Happy times - My in-laws with the Snubnose
Happy times – My in-laws with the Snubnose

Editing this post to add a pic of them with the piglet as well. Such a shame that he couldn’t enjoy more time with her. She was a wonderful and loving grandmother, and the kids were the apples of her eyes.

And here's a photo of my in-laws with the piglet
And here’s a photo of my in-laws with the piglet
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  1. Oh, I’m so sorry to see this news. I know you guys have been concerned about her and was hopeful when she was doing better. Please know your online friends are thinking about all of you.

    1. says: Nish

      @jenn, reema: Thanks so much for your wishes. We are slowly starting to pick up the pieces and get on.

  2. So sorry for your family’s loss. She cerainly must have been a warm, loving grandma! Hope you all are doing ok, especially the kids.

  3. says: Prema

    Beautiful pictures and a wonderful tribute to your mother-in-law. Your father-in-law will find succour in your children and this deep wound will heal in course of time.

  4. says: Casey

    So sorry to hear ’bout this. I thought she was getting better. Hope you and K are managing ok. 🙁

  5. So so sorry to hear this. Losing a loved one is never easy and the heart feels so heavy. Kids are the sole salvation during this time and they will pull you back to at least a semblance of normalcy.

  6. says: miki

    All my condolences. it’s a small consolotion she is not suffering anymore but for you it won’t be better before some time. i wish you all the best
    take care

  7. says: Nish

    @Leeswammes: Thanks for the wishes. She lived a good life, but towards the end, she suffered a lot. We miss her a lot but we are also glad that she didn’t have to go through any more pain than she already had.

  8. says: Leeswammes

    My condolences. It’s hard when a loved one is taken away from your live. We can only be glad that she does not suffer anymore now.