Book Blogger Appreciation Week: A Big Fat Fail

The time just flies. Before I know it, it is the end of the week and BBAW is complete, and how did I take part, what did I get out of it? Nothing but a big fat Zero.

The past two weeks have been action packed on the personal side. First my mother-in-law fell ill. I count on her help a lot around the house and with babysitting, so her falling sick means a lot of juggling of chores. Then it was my husband who needed a minor surgery for his broken arm, and had his hand in a sling. And then, it was the turn of the piglet to develop a bad case of the sniffles. It was understandable that BBAW slipped into the background.

But then, I went back to previous year’s BBAW posts and realized that it is a common thread. I have participated very arbitrarily, without a full heart.

And then I realized why…

September in Bangalore always brings very mixed weather. Still boiling hot during the days, but colder in the nights, and with rains off and on. That means it is also the season where the kids develop their first bouts of viral infections before they settle down comfortably with the change of season.

Obviously, my participation in BBAW is a bit limited, and I should not chide myself for it.

Maybe now that I am more aware of this pattern, I can plan and schedule my posts in advance next year leaving me free to browse other book blogs and really have more interaction. Hah! High hopes considering I almost always tend to do things on the fly. I am not at all a planning person.

One good thing that I realized looking back through my BBAW and other posts is the timing of the snubnose’s illnesses. It almost always follows the same pattern every year. How come I never saw this before? See, the advantages of blogging 😀

For this year though, my personal BBAW is probably going to be next week or even end of the month where hopefully I have the time to browse through posts from my favorite book bloggers, and even discover a few new favorites.

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  1. says: Amy @ My Friend Amy

    Wow it definitely sounds like you’ve had a lot going on…but I hope you know you’ve been appreciated whether or not you were able to participate a bunch. 🙂

    1. says: Nish

      @Amy: Thanks so much. It’s not so much a question of appreciation, but it’s the feeling I got as a child when I was invited to a party, but for some reason couldn’t attend 🙂

  2. says: Arti

    You sure have your hands full. That’s why all the more I appreciate your stopping by Ripple Effects, reading through my posts and leaving comments. Hope things will settle a bit at your household so that you can do some blogging. Snubnose? I wonder where does that come from… umm… Midnight’s Children? 🙂 I’ll be going to see the film adaptation next week at a Film Festival Opening. Watch for my review coming up.

    1. says: Nish

      @Arti: I love your blog. I’ve bookmarked whole posts for further reading, so I am going to be back again and again 🙂

  3. says: Jenny

    Mercy, I’m sorry it’s been so hectic! It is okay, we all appreciated you in your absence anyway. Me tacitly. Because I also couldn’t get my shit together to post anything during BBAW so all my appreciation has to be assumed instead of stated.

    1. says: Nish

      @Jenny: Whoa, you’re back to book blogging. I didn’t even realize that. Got to go and read your posts now.

      Welcome back!!

  4. says: Literary Feline

    I hope everything calms down for you soon. I admit the timing of BBAW doesn’t always work well for me either. This year it so happened I planned for it better, but in years past that hasn’t been the case. I do hope everyone in your house is soon back to full health and you find some relief.

  5. says: Vikk Simmons

    Bad news: You coudn’t particiapte. Good news: You’ve recognized a pattern. Best news: You’ll be taking your time with a post-BBAW review. Can’t ask for more than that. You do what you can do. 🙂 Welcome…even if it’s toward the end.

  6. says: Shan

    Oh man, I hope everyone gets better and your life calms down SOON. It seems these things always happen when we have something we’re looking forward to!

  7. With so much going in in your personal life, it is only understandable that you were more offline than online. I hope your family feels better! Is the break in your husband’s arm a serious one? Ha! Indeed another bonus of blogging, figuring out the annual patterns in your offline life 🙂 Anyway, take all the time you need nursing everyone back to optimal health, the interwebs will still be here when you return!