Armchair BEA: Introduction

Armchair BEA
Armchair BEA
Yesterday was the first day of Armchair BEA, an event for all of those who would love to be at Book Expo America but for one reason or another can’t attend, except from the comfort of their home.

The theme was introductions, and so here I go:

  1. Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging?

    It feels a little odd to be introducing myself when I have been blogging for almost 4 years now. But, anyway…My name is Nishita, a writer (technical) from India who is madly in love with books. Apart from books, my blog reflects some of my other day-to-day activities and interests – mainly my two children – the Snubnose (age 6 years), and the Piglet (age 5 months). I got into blogging because of a rather OCD need to document everything.

  2. What is your favorite book of 2012 so far?

    I haven’t read much at all this year, thanks to the Piglet. But I think I liked The Brass Verdict by Michael Connelly best…again, it’s not saying much as I haven’t read much at all this year.

  3. Favorite feature on my blog?

    This isn’t particularly book-related. But I like the Wordless Wednesdays feature because I use it to showcase the snubnose’s excellent (even if I do say so myself) artwork.

  4. Literary location you would most like to visit? Why?

    I don’t remember the name but I would love to visit the magical world of Angie Sage where the Septimus Heap books are based. I love those characters and love the magyk and charm of those books.

  5. One non-book-related thing that people might not know about you.

    I am very active and open in the virtual world but in reality I am rather shy and take a long time to open up to strangers.

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