Presenting Laura from I’m Booking it

BBAW 2011
BBAW 2011

I’ve long been a silent reader (email subscriber) on Laura’s blog – I’m Booking It. BBAW presents a lovely opportunity for me and others to get to know Laura a bit more…

Here’s our interview:

  1. How, when, and what prompted you to get into book blogging?

    About 3 years ago, I decided to see what I was missing in the world of modern technology, and I got involved with Twitter, Facebook, and Goodreads. I decided I wanted to start a blog, just as soon as I figured out what I had to talk about. I already ran two book clubs, so I figured that books were a likely subject. I just plunged in and started typing!

  2. Do you have other blogs apart from I’m Booking It?
    Nope. I occasionally wish I had a place to vent about personal stuff, but if I ever did that, it would have to be anonymous.
  3. What’s your favorite genre of books?
    That varies from day-to-day– I am a truly eclectic reader, and I try to keep a balance. I probably have the strongest pull towards mysteries, though.
  4. When did you first get into reading? And how has your reading evolved over the years?
    I’ve been a bookworm as long as I can remember! My parents were both readers, so my house was full of books. I made the transition to adult books in 7th grade (around age 12), there wasn’t as rich of a world of YA fiction then (although I continued to read and reread certain authors, such as Madeleine L’Engle and Susan Cooper for many, many years).

    I’ve always gone through phases, where I’d read a lot of a certain kind of book until I didn’t want to touch that genre again for years– Classics, cozy mysteries, romances, high fantasy, hard-boiled women detectives, and more. Now I try to spread out my reading so I don’t get tired of any kind of book in particular.

    I started reading more literary fiction once I became involved with my first book club over 11 years ago– I’d never had anyone to introduce me into that world before that. I started listening to audiobooks about 4 years ago, and those now make up about half of the books I read– I can listen to a book while doing many other things!

  5. How has book blogging changed the way you read books?

    I do think more critically about books that I read, and I’ve decided there are books that I don’t want to review– I just want to read them and enjoy them as is. I pay more attention to the different kind of books I read, and try to keep a balance of fluff and substance. Most of all, book blogging has introduced me to many, many new books that I never would have glanced at in the book store. Even if I stop blogging, I’ll still know where to go to find out about new books and books that are new to me!

Do visit her blog – I’m Booking It. There is a little something there for a variety of reading tastes. And once you are done, hop over to the BBAW site to read more book blogger interviews.

Join the Conversation


  1. says: Marce

    I love your blog Laura and I am glad when you find a great Mystery book.

    If I ever gave up blogging I would always come back for recommendations at least.

  2. says: Erin

    I’ve recently discovered the wonder of audiobooks, too, and though they don’t quite make up half my reading, they’re getting awfully close. I love how they are gaining in popularity. Thanks for this great interview!

  3. says: shelleyrae@ Book'd Out

    Hi Nishita,
    Glad to have found you via BBAW – i’m going to poke around a little 🙂
    Great interview as well

    Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out