Tapas at Caperberry

This is an older post that I did not have time to clean up and publish before our vacation.

Before leaving for our trip, a group of us went for a celebratory lunch at Caperberry – a restaurant specializing in tapas. I have never tried Spanish food before so this was something new for me. If you are not sure what to order or if you are on a budget (prices are high!), you should try the executive lunch option that is on offer. You can choose a 2-course, or 3-course lunch depending on your appetite :).

A Tapas Platter
A Tapas Platter

The snubnose also joined in the lunch and had a pretty good time toying around with everyone’s food and eating none of it. While my friends opted for the executive lunch (more options to try out), I opted for the gnocchi hoping to coax the snubnose into eating something. But, she wasn’t having any of it. I didn’t mind really as the gnocchi was abso delicious and I got it all to myself 😉

Playing around with the food
Playing around with the food

Their dessert options were pretty good too. I don’t much like sweet stuff, but still nice nevertheless if you have a sweet tooth.

A yummy pudding whose name I can't quite remember
A yummy pudding whose name I can't quite remember

And if you’re vegetarian like me and worried about vegetarian options, you can just relax…there are plenty of vegetarian options available to sample.

Happy dining! and a happy 2011 to all of you. I just know this is going to be a great year 😀

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  1. Pingback: Half Off Tapas at The Tango » Daily Couponds
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  3. Pingback: 8 Tapas + 2 Glasses of Wine « Deal Grater
  4. says: priyaiyer

    Looks lovely! I’ve never tried Spanish food and this sounds like a great place to start. Thanks for the reco. 🙂

    Good for me that there’s good veggie food and sweet desserts. 🙂